A Plethora of Fairies in Pictures

The fairy realm - we understand so little about them. But the intrigue!

Everyone knows that fairies travel by hedgehog. It makes sense, really, if you think about it.

And forget the Elf on a Shelf nonsense. The real celebrators of Christmas are the Holly Fairies.

Butterflies make honest babysitters. They see everything.

Some fairies are shameless strawberry addicts - the messier the better.

It goes without saying that fairies take very good care of the little ones - not so easy when a blueberry is a required companion.

Who says fairies don't get in over their heads? They are known to be rather mischievous during Halloween. This one has just been found out.

Who do you think invented leapfrog? Humans? Just make sure your wings are flat.

With some coaxing, a ladybug makes for a stalwart ally. A little disguise goes a long way.

Often times the only way to understand a beetle is to get down on all fours.

If you are very still, one might land on your toes.

And with that, my steemian friends, I bid you good night. 

I hope you enjoyed this ode to my favorite garden inhabitants. These were all done as a series of miniature watercolors a few years ago as I was getting back into the swing of my work.

Paintings © Johanna Westerman 2016

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