How I got 'hacked', recovered my accounts and improved the Steemit account security

Incorrect Password

Recently I've noticed some of my accounts return 'Incorrect Password' when I try to log in. I haven't given it much attention, since those accounts are just test ones, and they have no funds on them.

A few days ago, I've stumbled across this post.

It has become crystal clear to me, that my accounts are no longer mine.

How it happened

I was negligent. When I created the accounts, I chose to just repeat the username 3x and add a 2 to the end.
So my username would be flymetothemoon and my password flymetothemoonflymetothemoonflymetothemoon2.

I don't know exactly how the 'attacker' got my password, but if I was malicious and wanted to steal a bunch of steemit accounts, this is what I'd do.

Get all steemit usernames
This is pretty easy, and only takes a 1 line of code:

all_usernames = steem.rpc.lookup_accounts('', 10000000)

Now that we have the usernames, we can try generating private owner keys.

Each owner key is generated from the following seed:

username + role + password

So in our case, we can get our owner key from:


We have the username, and the role. All we have to do is find the password.

To find the password, we bruteforce all potential password combinations.
Every time we generate a private key, we simply check if its public key corresponds with the real public key. If it does, we found our password.

To get the real public key, we can simply look at

When we do the bruteforcing, we can use password lists and most commonly used methods that people use. Unfortunately, humans are very predictable. Repeating a username 3 times and adding '2' to the end seems to be one of the patterns.

To learn more about password bruteforcing, check out this video:

If you haven't changed your steemit password to the new randomly generated one, please do so asap.

Account Recovery

Fortunately, Steemit allows for pretty painless recovery process. Since all the accounts are created via Reddit/Facebook, we can use that to verify the ownership.

This however only works with accounts that were created on Steemit. If you've created your account trough mining, or from existing account, this recovery method won't work. You can find your Recovery account on [][].

Recovery Process

Open a new 'incognito' window in your browser. For maximum security, make sure you have no other tabs open, or any 3rd party plugins enabled.

Go to
Type in your old username/password.

Then, you will be prompted to confirm your Reddit/Facebook account. Make sure you're logged into the same account you used to create the Steemit account.

Afterwards, Steemit will generate a new secure password for you. Save that password somewhere safe (not in your browser).

How I do security now

I have re-generated the passwords for ALL of my Steemit accounts. All of the passwords are long, randomly generated ones.

Storing the password

I have decided to keep passwords somewhere safe. You don't really need your password to use Steemit after all.

All of my computers run Linux, and all of my SSD's are encrypted using LUKS.

All of my computers share some folders between them (over encrypted sync), however those folders are encrypted using encfs.

And lastly, in my keys folder, I have an encrypted KeePassX database. (keepass is a free, cross-platform password manager).

So, my passwords are pretty safe.

You don't need a password

You don't need your password, or the owner key to use Steemit.

Key TypeAction
PostingComment, Vote, Follow
ActiveSend Funds, Power-Up, Power-Down, Trade
OwnerGod mode. Change any other key including itself.

You can login into just using your posting key.

For maximum convenience, I have added all of my accounts with their posting keys as a password to LastPass:

This way I can login into my account with a single click, from any computer I own. This will allow me to post, vote, comment and follow people.

If I want to send money, or power up, I will be prompted to enter the active key.

If someone steals your active key, they could steal your STEEM and Steem Dollars. They will however not be able to steal your Steem Power.

I keep my active keys outside of the browser as well. Most of my accounts only have Steem Power, and thus, even if I lose my active key, I am still safe. I can re-generate my active key from the password.

Generating the Active/Posting Keys

The easiest way to get your private active/posting keys, is to go to the Permissions tab on your Steemit account.

However, since I have multiple accounts, and I use them from Python as well, I've made a script that can generate my keys from passwords. It can also import the keys into Piston.

import subprocess
from pprint import pprint
import json

from graphenebase.account import PasswordKey

from common.helpers import update_json_node

def load_users():
    with open("steemit_accounts.csv") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    return lines

def regen_keys(username, password, role):
    pk = PasswordKey(username, password, role)
    return format(pk.get_public_key(), "STM"), pk.get_private_key()

def import_key_into_piston(private_key):["piston", "addkey", private_key], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

def run(write_mode=False, import_mode=False):
    roles = ["posting", "active"]
    accounts = load_users()

    posting_keys = []
    active_keys = []
    for account in accounts:
        for role in roles:
            public_key, private_key = regen_keys(account.split(",")[0], account.split(",")[1].rstrip("\n"), role)

            if import_mode:
                print("piston addkey %s" % private_key)

            key = {
                "name": account.split(",")[0],
                "role": role,
                "public": public_key,
                "wif": str(private_key),
            if role == "posting":
            if role == "active":

    # pprint(posting_keys)
    if write_mode:
        update_json_node("accounts.json", "posting", posting_keys)
        update_json_node("accounts.json", "active", active_keys)

def update_json_node(filename, node, node_data):
    data = load_json(filename)
    data[node] = node_data
    write_json(filename, data)

def write_json(filename, data):
    with open(filename, 'w') as data_file:
        json.dump(data, data_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    run(write_mode=True, import_mode=False)


To sum up:

  • change your password to the long, randomly generated one
  • save your password somewhere super safe
  • use posting/active keys to interact with
3 columns
2 columns
1 column