Socialism v Capitalism – isn’t it about time we changed the record?

I’m bored. Bored of hearing the tired old argument that socialism provides for the needy and capitalism help people raise to the top in a free market economy. Personally? I think there’s good and bad to each one. I just think that each system is so fundamentally flawed that I think it’s time to change that record disc already.

Socialism is great. As I say I’m an anarcho-socialist. I believe that everyone has that shining light and can be someone of worth. Socialism inspires that, it encourages collectivism, providing for the few, helping the needy. But I find it very rigid in its thinking. There needs to be some sort of authoritarian presence otherwise who will stop anyone taking what they want from who they want? Also, what about those that work hard and want to achieve something in their life? I think people that work hard to achieve what they need should be rewarded accordingly. We see a situation in Britain right now where people have become disenfranchised by a system that rewards people for working, and doing nothing equally.

Just not 45 Million pounds per year. That’s stupid and unequal.

And the same for Capitalism. It’s great to see the rise of quick thinking and entrepreneurial types in the system who devise quite forward thinking and awe inspiring technologies. People taking it upon themselves to join the free market and make a living for themselves, but with this there is such a centralisation on the individual. It promotes wealth, but it also promotes greed. Gross inequality in wages, and certainly towards responsibility and duties taken. The CEO of Walmart makes $16,000 or so per second or something daft like that, whereas his front line works make $10 per hours or near that. Inequality? Greatly so.

Is it so beyond us to devise a system that caters for both collectivism and capitalism? It doesn’t seem hard really. I mean economists and those that lead the country can sit there and think, ok, obviously this isn’t working. So today we’ll scrap everything and start again. Perhaps they won’t, because then that would create a system that doesn’t cater to those that are already profiteering psychopathic amounts from it.

It would be great to devise a system that caters to all walks of life. For those that want to create and manage and be inspired, they should be rewarded. And there also should be remuneration for community focussed activity. I totally get there are all walks of life, and that to make people happy you need to provide enough of what they want – so perhaps instead of weighting a great deal on financial reward, and having the corporate few that hold all the keys to the finances, decentralise the system. Have a system where there is competition where currently there is none. Give back the power of voting to the people, and perhaps we might see the rise of a new build. I don’t know.

What do you think?

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