HELLO Steemers! My name is ILANA, a mobile street photographer, editor and curator from NYC. I’m super excited about sharing my work with the Steemit community. So let’s get it started!

Hello Steemers!

My name is Ilana. I’m a native New Yorker. I live with my two children, my husband, and my adorable little sausage dog, Mac. I’m a mobile street photographer based out of my hometown. Many of my images have been featured on mobile photography sites (e.g. Hipstography), Instagram hubs, and published in online magazines. My work can also be seen on LensCulture, one of the most authoritative resources for contemporary photography. And I am co-editor of a street photography column called StreetWise on TheAppWhisperer, where I curate street photography articles and showcases.

When I first heard about Steem

…I thought “My god, how brilliant!” Any artist will tell you about the struggle to get their work ‘out there’. Of their big dreams to reach a wider audience. And of course, the holy grail, actually earning a living doing their art. Wowza! That’s just a dream for most artists. But with Steemit, it can become a reality. For that reason, I believe I can encourage other artists to share their work here. Which I can’t wait to do!

Why other artists will follow

I am confident artists and other creative types will appreciate an innovative, new platform like Steemit. Not only does this platform provide the incentive to grow but, more importantly, to support each other. That is critical to the growth and well-being of any artist, especially those just starting out. I can’t wait to get the word out to my fellow artists (including some of my 1200+ Instagram followers) about this amazing opportunity, and to provide real communal enrichment for us all.

The content I intend to create here

There are many ways to tell stories. For me, it’s street photography. It’s fast and fun, especially in a city where you have to move with the speed of the streets. Nothing is ever the same twice. I love how the city surprises me and seeing what will unfold. That’s the true magic of street photography. It’s never dull!

So come with me, let me take you on a journey through the fabulous streets of this incredible city and it’s quirky, lovable people. Let me share this passion I have for storytelling through photographs, and help this wonderful community grow and add to our collective prosperity.

Thanks very much for reading!

P.S. Here are some of the links to my social media:

(see steemit reference on my Instagram profile for verification)



The AppWhispererhttp://theappwhisperer.com/2016/04/lee-atwell-ilana-buch-akoundi-join-theappwhisperer-co-editors-streetwise-column/

3 columns
2 columns
1 column