How to Roll a Spliff

For those who aren’t familiar with the concept of a spliff, it’s a joint that contains both weed and tobacco. While many stoner purists (as far as North America goes) may be opposed to the idea of mixing the two, it’s actually quite a common practice in parts of Europe and the UK. Not only is it better for achieving a more subdued high, many people also mix in tobacco for the taste. If you’re looking to try out a spliff, here’s a step-by-step guide to rolling one.

#1 Before we get into rolling the spliff, make sure you have the following materials on hand: skins (Rizla Red Kings for beginner, or Silver Kings for the rolling veteran), tobacco, weed, and a thin piece of cardboard (to make the roach).
#2 Take a skin, gum side (the sticky bit) facing you, and put it on a hard surface that you can easily reach with your hands. A dish or tray is a good starting point.
#3 Roll your cardboard into a roach and if you’re right handed, put it on the left end of your spliff (right end if you’re left handed).

#4 Spread a thin layer of tobacco onto the skin, and then distribute your weed over top of the tobacco. A typical starting ratio is 60:40 tobacco to weed, but you can change up the quantities of each based on your individual preferences.

#5 Pick up the skin and start rolling the spiff into a cylindrical shape, while mixing the weed into the tobacco evenly. The idea is to get the skin to catch under itself, wrapping around the contents snuggly. While this is a bit of trial and error, you’ll get better at it with more practice.


#6 Once you have your spliff rolled up tightly, lick the gum, and seal your roll.


Twist the end of the spliff (without the roach) to finish, and you’re ready to light up!

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