Whoa! Studios - Auckland, New Zealand - A Crocheted Playground

At first glance you might think they're just another set of crocheted testicles, which is beautiful in itself.

But then you look closer and realize how beautiful it really is..


Made entirely by hand, this crocheted textile sculpture doubles as an artistic playground. In fact Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam and Charles Richard MacAdam - who have collaborated on such larger-than-life textile installations for more than 25 years, designed and made Harmonic Motion with the concept that it is only complete once the public interacts with it.

One day i was exhibiting a 3-dimensional open-work textile sculpture I had created in collaboration with a friend. Some children came to the gallery and climbed into it. Suddenly the piece came to life... i realized I wanted just such a connection between my work and people alive at this moment in time (Not a hundred years from now)
- Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam


Harmonic Motion touches on the theme of how the human body interacts with space and materials



Hand crafted over two years

Using 70 kilometers of colored nylon and stretched from a 12 meter high shaded structure, your kids will weave their way through the layers to reach the upper net before finding their way out again. The Whoa! web is a wonder of creative play and art work all in one.



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