Logo Contest for Project Curie - Calling All Designers!

Dear Steemit community,

We would like to announce a logo contest for Project Curie. As you may be aware of @curie's daily curation posts - the team would like to have something that stands out, representing the spirit of the project. So what's up with Curie?

The name was suggested by one of our curators @liberosist, inspired by the works of both Marie Curie and Pierre Curie. In his own words, @liberosist enthusiastically said:

"The most surprising (or maybe not) discovery in researching about great minds is that behind every great success is mostly luck. There's obviously a lot of effort involved, but there are many who are just as smart and work just as hard, never quite had the luck."

With that in mind, we do not want to restrict anyone's creativity. The logo just needs to be original. It could be in symbolic-form, text-form, or both!

Submission, Judging, and Contest Prize

  • Submit your designs in the comment / reply section by 12.00 PM UTC Time (14 September 2016).
  • You may submit as many designs as you like.
  • Top 10 designs by amount of votes (not comment payout value) will be selected.
  • Project Curie members will deliberate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place based on the selected designs.
  • 1st place: 50% of SBDs generated by this post.
  • 2nd and 3rd place: 25% of SBDs each generated by this post.


  • Make sure designs are original.
  • Project Curie members reserve the right to forfeit submissions that are misleading.
  • We may stick to one logo, or rotate among the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place logos in anything Project Curie related.

Clarification update

  • Ties in number of votes are counted as one position in the top 10 designs.
  • Winning designs will be announced in channel #curie (https://steemit.chat/channel/curie) at 6.00 PM UTC (14 September 2016).
  • Community voting will determine the Top 10 designs! Revised due to unexpected volume of submissions.
  • Logos which are only available in low-res raster, or non-editable format will be disqualified.

Have fun and we can't wait for your awesome submissions!

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