Our silence is deafening

Trying to put on a brave face when all you want to see is something good happen in this world is hard. Especially when you have things happening like Donald Trump, Brexit, Brazilian cleansing and McDonald's to name a few.

Not so much McDonald's, I like that from time to time.

Brexit happened a few months ago in the UK. People stood up chanting and celebrating that,

"We're taking our country back"

And they jeered, and beat up coloured people regardless if they were here on leave or indefinitely. They went on their marches and put up signs and for at least a week of their lives they were on top of the world.

They were Kings of kings.

Brexit campaigner and one of the leaders of the campaign, Nigel Farage spoke on the very day that Brexit happened and went back on his word

Where is he now?

Oh he's still campaigning. He teamed up with Trump and spoke at one of his rallies in America a few days ago. Don't ask me where, I live in the UK.

And who stood up? Rose up in defence that a good percentage of votes were backed on a complete lie? And demanded that Farage be imprisoned for such a blatant distortion of truth which effectively tampered with the election results?


Our silence was deafening.

We took to the internet, yes. But to battle against one another. Remain voters tore lumps out of leave voters and vice versa, and once again our country became a battle ground from common folk.

The people in charge?

Scott free.

I love my life completely but I just wish that one day Politicians and those at the top of society were able to take responsibility for their actions.

Why aren't we doing anything?

Why aren't we saying anything?

In 2010 people in London took to the streets. London riots? Remember them? But no-one ever took stance. They looted shops, small businesses for the latest TVs, smartphones or computers - yet the people that caused the riots sat in their homes with unabashed security.

And this isn't just the UK, this is the world over.

I recently read that America has a three strikes penal system. 3rd time in Jail and you're in there for life, even for stealing a stick of gum. That shit is crazy - yet people like Brock Turner serve 3 months of a 6 months sentence for provable rape.

That's not freedom. Sorry, it isn't.

Maybe it's time to unite, you know? We argue about such petty things. Race, religion, sexuality - when come to think about it, it's not really that important.

When we start to concentrate more on what binds us together rather than separates us, then the world will be a much, much better place.

But I fear we are at least another Millennial away from such a discovery.

I'll just keep trying to bridge people, and then at least I know I stuck to my beliefs.

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