Perspective is everything

Perspective is everything

Thanks to @perspective and her blistering post here: @perspective/the-witch-s-carousel I’ve just thought up some new content. It’s wonderful how life falls into your lap sometimes it’s just awesome.

Life is awesome. See what I did there? Hah!

So you know me by now as an addict, I’ve yet to talk about my drug abuse, but it’ll come. But I’ve had some shitty times I kid you not.

There was the time I stole money from my mate

That was fun

Oh, and the time that I stole money from my housemate,

That was fun too.

All to fund my drinking habit mind you. It was always to go out and get pissed.

Never for the humanitarian efforts in Africa.

God no. Alcoholism is such a selfish addiction.

Oh, and then there was the time I had my Mum in tears because I was having alcohol fuelled parties over at her house

That was fun too

Man, life was just one big fun party to me. It was totally awesome

Then there was the time I emptied my step-mum’s penny jar to get alcohol,

Oh and don’t forget the times I told Dad I’d be back and never came, countless times, even on Christmas Day would you credit it.

See, I lived with Dad for a while too.

But that’s another story.

Life was there to serve me. People were there to be used, and taken for granted.

I was a user.

Sadly I couldn’t exist as a user for long. Because I would eventually use up all my options.

My friends would give up on me, I would turn to alcohol and lose my job,

I would end up broke, jobless, friendless and penniless..

Oh, wait, that did happen to me.

I couldn’t see past it. Life was shit. It always had been. No-one cared, only I did. You need to look after yourself in life.

And if you don’t have it, you take it.

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Life owes me everything, I’d think.

YOU owe me everything. Yes, YOU. Every, damn, thing.

It wasn’t until I finally sought help that I changed, and yes, some of the shit I went through was excruciatingly tough,

But I made it,

Us humans are tougher than you think, you know.

I learned out there, that there are people that care. My Manager, she always said to me that she wouldn’t be there if she didn’t get paid,

But she cared,

You could tell that she cared.

And I spent my time in solitude (yesterday’s story), (@lifeisawesome/we-all-need-some-love-in-our-hearts)

And from there my attitude changed.

I actually face worse in life now than I did all those years ago,

In fact, not much has changed apart from taking on a family, bills and responsibilities

I had none of that back then,

But I remain positive.

Could you just imagine how my life would be if I had the attitude as I did as a youngster?

Yep, you guessed it, probably dead.

So the next time you say,

“I’ll never be happy”

Think about what you like about yourself, and work on those

And what you hate? (don’t lie!) Work on those too.

Apologise to those that need apologising to

Pick up the phone, tell someone you love them,

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Take yourself out somewhere – by Christ you’ve needed it!

Binge watch your favourite TV show. What? You deserve it!

Do more of what you love

And work on what you hate

And please,

Be fucking AWESOME, friends.

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