The theory and reason behind what I do - staying positive

I'd say I was a pretty positive person. Or at least I try to be. To the best of my abilities, anyway.

And I do it this way for one simple reason. Positivity generates further positivity. Think of it like a gravy train of awesomeness steaming through the waves of negativity of everywhere I infect, or would happen to receive my Midas touch. (Perhaps that's a little bit on the ego side lol, I jest, of course)

Think of yourself as a freshly thrown stone just about to be thrown into the water. Now the ripples you can make will either be positive or negative.

If say you choose them to be negative ripples then the people that receive them will feel their effect. People can make their own choices but they are certainly influenced by emotion - and can be a direct result of the way other people make them feel.

Say I meet Joe Smith in the town. Perhaps Joe has been unemployed for a while and is thinking about going to his local employment agency to check, again, if there's any jobs available. (but I don't know this) Joe is feeling a bit down on himself and has let his appearance slip slightly. I stop Joe and talk to him because he's an acquaintance. He starts talking about his unemployment.

"Jesus, Joe, I wish I had your life, bumming around all day. Isn't it about time you go and get some work and pay your bit into the economy?"

How do you think this will make Joe feel? How do you think his interactions with others and the decisions he will make for the rest of that day will be?

Not overtly positive right?

And yep, Joe's meets will be somewhat negative, and he'll make other people feel bad based on how he feels and then his acquaintances will do the same with others, and so on.

See the ripple effect?

What if I said,

"I'm absolutely SURE you'll find something soon, Joe. Everyone I meet that's worked with you has good things to say. Employers will lose out if they don't hire you"

How do you think that will make Joe feel inside?

And the interactions he will have with others on the day,

And their interactions?

This is what I mean when I talk about positivity being a wholly good thing.

You know? And when you send those feelings out into the world people start to change their opinion about you, you're more liked, better received, and better opportunities start to come your way. People will try and make you feel good about yourself in return.

And then's when life starts to change, or at least it did for me. As soon as I started to create waves of positivity I found that I was more open to acceptance, change and positive encounters myself.

But this wouldn't work without honesty. If I was to say something to someone and not really mean what I'm saying, they'd know. And they'd be suspicious. It's why I try to generally avoid lying with my positivity.

If someone unattractive to me asks if they are pretty, I pick something I think that is pretty about them. Everyone has something physically awesome.

If a colleague wrecks a project single-handedly, I point out all the good stuff they've achieved within it. Right after the bad - people are tough on themselves generally. There's no need for me to pound it into them.

I had a boss once. Loved to shout at us for our mistakes but never gave us any credit for the good stuff. Safe to say she had a high turnover of staff.

If you breed positivity through truth and honesty then life will start to go your way, friend. You can count on it. 

Sometimes hard to remain positive these days with all that's going on. Hard!

But I challenge you to do a few things:

Leave something positive on another Steemit profile. Expect nothing back. Do it because you want to create a ripple.

Say two nice things to people you barely know today. Expect nothing in return.

Offer help to someone in the next week. Expect nothing

Do one thing good for your community in the next two months. Could be anything. Help an old lady across the street or cheer up the old people at the nursing home. Expect nothing.

You watch, just you watch everything fall into place over time.

Be well, friends :)

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