You are what your friends are

You are what your friends are.

Let’s be honest here. I firmly believe that the energy you give out, yet get back in life. It’s karma in a sense, but I don’t believe in this invisible force.

Only that if you give out trust, openness, honesty and much happiness to others, then likeminded people will gravitate towards you.

Your life force is like an energy. If you surround yourself in that energy people that enjoy basking in that type of energy will gravitate towards it.

That’s why I meet a ton of supremely open and trustworthy people.

I absolutely repel narcissists. I used to be a magnet for them, but I know their deadly secret. I know what they don’t want anyone else to know.


A narcissist will never be able to apologise, or accept their mistakes. Anything less and they see it as a competition for top dog. But a narcissist will be able to point out the mistakes of everyone they meet.

I don’t like people that don’t let me venture into their depths.

And they hate me.

So everything’s good.

So the same can be said if you’re negative. I know I keep saying it, but if you’re a negative person you’ll meet other people that will want to bask in that energy too.

I used to be an overtly negative person.

My friends would laugh at my achievements, make me feel as if I wasn’t worth much, or put me down in front of other people. They were no friends at all.

They were nice to me in private though. Because there’s no competition

They may appear to be a friend, but that’s just for show. Truth be told they like looking better than you.

But the hard truth is:

You are beautiful.

There is amazing in there, somewhere.

I know because I see it in my comments, some quite defiantly say,

“There’s no beautiful in me I think I never had it” or something similar,

Yet perhaps you haven’t met the right people yet to yank that the fuck out there for the world to see. Absolutely everyone has some sparkly awesome in them.

I swear I haven’t met a single person yet with no awesome that could be taken and sharpened to a fine point.

When my awesome started to surface every now and again I began to enjoy it. And it came to a point that I was mentally requesting my awesome daily to come out and play.

Until one day, it moved in with me.

And this can be you too.

It all starts with you my friend.

Start by leaving a nice message somewhere.

You guys are beautiful,

Thank you

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