THE FIRST Steemit Professional Photoshooting - Backstage photos included!!! - Whale - Dolphin shoot too!!

Hello Steemians...Manthos again...

Photography section is nice on Steemit, but it lacks originallity... and genuinity..
So i decided to make a photoshooting, especially for steemit this time... :)

First of all lets talk about what is needed... in order to make a professional photoshooting..

  1. Imagination - mood for creativity... love for what you do.
    2)Some decent gear... Nikon and Canon rule this field for the moment... no difference between them.
  2. Some models!! Thats easy to find when you work in photography field.
  3. A make up artist.. It might look overexaggerating... but a make up artist can fix something in one minute... that it would take you ages in photoshop to fix in post-production.
    5)Its not a one man job... 2-3 people at least to make the best teamwork
    6)Location is important.. but using a sharp eye... every location is perfect

Thats the main sum up.. of whats needed...

Lets talk about what gear we used...

We didnt choose Nikon for a specific reason... Sometimes you start with something, you buy lenses.. and then its hard to change a brand.. and start from the beggining... Its all about composing a good picture.. and having a good eye... some talent included too...

Our gear for the photoshooting was:
Nikon D800 for then main part of shooting --36mpixels is perfect for fashion...
Nikon D3 for the backstage shooting -- 12mpixels, amazing fast focus, and super fast continuous shooting.. good for sports photography.
Nikon D750 for the video backstage shooting -- Low light monster, and great colours out of the box.

Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 non VR
Nikon 80-200mm f2.8 non VR
Tokina 16-28mm f2.8
Nikon 85mm f1.8
Nikon 50mm f1.8

Lights - Strobes - Flashes
Elinchrom Ranger Rx battery pack... With 1100watt Flash head...
(Elinchrom 1100 watt flash head is a perfect head that can overpower the sun... but its main disadvantage is that its heavy in carrying it arround locations..)

The Tshirts, were printed... One of our girl had bigger shoulders and we ended up going to make a bigger tshirt... :)
We had a whale-dolphin with us too....
Ssshhh i cannot reveal his name... He just wanted some shots with the girls... thats it!

Its pretty important... to have the best mood, backstage mentality must be cheerfull... no loud voices.. or nerves... Models must be relaxed... and stress free...
Lets take a look on what happened yesterday..

We went to a beach bar...where the photoshooting would take place.

Some make up... in the colors of steemit of course!! The Power of the Blue!

Our beautifull Girls... Zoe and Constance

Our make up artist - Valentina
check out her work here...

The anonymous whale!!

Our loved.. hard working ranger...

Constance is manipulating the whale... or its a dolphin?

Zoe here... well.. :)

Ok i already made this post long... Lets Get going to the good stuff....

Thats all for now...

My main wish if for steemit, to become well known in the fashion world too.. steemit accessories, steemit tshirts, bags, shoes... This part of the world economy.. is on of the largests... And with the rewarding system everyone will have the incentive to work harder and better...
Every fashion designer could post his work, and get rewarded.. or even fashion eshops could appear... and accept steem or any other kinds of payments...There are so many uses of steemit, and it can go deep, very deep inside the fashion world... Kickstart new talents, promote really good models, even give advice to people who want to join this world.. withs its bad and good things...

Thats all for now steemians... i will upload a dropbox link here... with more photos... cause i didnt edit them all yet...

All the above finallized images were of course through photoshop and lightroom!
Feel free to download the photos and re use them... We need people to know every aspect of steemit.

Special thanks to @steemychicken1 for his help in the backstage photoshooting-videoshooting and advising.

P.s the whale wants to remain anonymous :P or it was a dolphin?

#photography #steemit #girls #fashion

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