USA..remember this name: ANDREW D. BASAIGO

This is a presentation made in 2013 at "free your mind" conference, so the information is general and not too specific.
I have seen recent discussions where Andrew Basaigo has stated that he now has a FOIA for FULL DISCLOSURE OF ALL THE NAMES OF THE CHILDREN IN PROJECT PEGASUS. (now THAT will be worthwhile the wait)

Andrew D. Basiago is a prominent figure in the Truth Movement.

For more than 10 years, he has shared with the American people the true facts of our great nation’s accomplishments in time travel and Mars visitation. He has done so as one who served bravely in the two secret U.S. defense projects in which time travel on Earth and voyages to Mars were first undertaken. As a result of his courageous advocacy as a crusading lawyer, Andy is credited with ending the time travel and Mars cover-ups by the US government on behalf of the American people.
This arduous work in the vineyards of the Truth Movement represented historic breakthroughs in America’s understanding of our past and our prospects for the future.
Today, Andrew D. Basiago is running for President of the United States with a New Agenda for a New America.

(Source: "Andrew D. Basiago: One Man in the Name of Truth")

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