Steemit in Holland with Mei!!! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ

Hello everybody! (o´ω`o) I'm really sorry for not posting anything recently (シ_ _)シ It's because I was going on a small vacation to Holland on the 30th of July with my family. It was pretty amazing and I was totally impressed. It was really beautiful and full of friendly people. I really enjoyed my trip!ヾ(☆'∀'☆) However, my family asked me "why dont you introduce people on Steemit about Holland, too?", so I decided to write a post all about me travelling. Hope you guys read it till the end! \(≧▽≦)/

1. Zaanse Schans- A lovely Dutch village! ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

We took a train from Eindhoven to the Zaanse Schans- which is a typical Dutch village with full of beautiful windmills . Also, you can see many exhibitions showing how cocoa and coffee, clogs and cheese are made. You can probably tried some free cheeses but you had to paid in the cocoa shop (But I highly recommned, they tasted like heaven!!!) ヾ( ̄◇ ̄)ノ〃

First, I took some pictures of those lovely windmills. When I was a little child, my mother used to mention Holland is well-known for their beautiful farms with gorgeous tulip flowers, milk cows and windmills. I was always dreaming that someday I could go their and watch them in real life and now my dream comes true! They're simple but they have their own prettiness. ((┘ ̄ω ̄)┘

Afterthat, we visited a small cocoa factory. They showed us how cocoa was made and let us buy some as a gift or a snack on the way. They are mouth-watering because I'm a real fan of chocolate (anyone like me? Comment below!) so when I saw all those cutie strawberries wrapped in chocolate, I asked my sister to buy me one heheee 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

Its weird how the strawberries's sourness mixed with the chocolates's sweetness. However, they still taste really nice in my opinion. (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

(I also drew a Steemit logo by myself. It may not be the most beautiful one but I tried my best to draw it so please don't judge my drawing (。•́︿•̀。)

Afterward, we headed to the cheese factory to see how they made cheeses and try some free cheeses. My dad were really enjoy them that he bought one home to eat while drinking wine! (っ˘ڡ˘ς) ( ˘▽˘)っ♨

The last destination of Zaanse Schans was the Holland traditional clogs's exhibition and souvenir shop. At that time, I didn't really know what clogs were:))))

Holland's traditional clogs with differrent designs

Some more pictures that I randomly took in Zaanse Schans:

2. Amsterdam centre.

So, after spending a half day in Zaanse Schans, we took a train at 7:00PM to Amsterdam- the capital city of Holland. "Wow, so crowded!" was the only thing that came into my mind at that moment. There were so many people everywhere and in every corner of the city. It's kinda late now so there were more and more people going outside to the cafe or the bar. I think it's the crowdest city I've ever been to so far (the second place is Hong Kong). I really enjoyed the spirit but my parents said I was too young for this place so we couldn't stay here longer :'( ( ╥ω╥ ) But I'd definitely come back to this place again if I had a chance (and old enough, too)! It was kinda cold there so I had to put on my hoodie :) So many people smoked here so I felt quite dizzy since I really hate that smell. (。T ω T。)

In conclusion,..

The trip was really awesome and I learnt many new things. However, I hope people will quit smoking because it's not only bad for them but also for the people that besides you! I recommend going to the Dutch village for families with small children because it's really educational. If you've ever been to Holland in general or particularly two of the destinations that I mentioned up there, please please leave a comment below to see if you agreed with my ideas or disagree with them! Thanks for reading all along!!!ヽ(・∀・)ノ

P/s: I hope next time I'll have a chance to visit Paris-France (´-ω-`)

All the photos were taken by me (o´▽`o)

Please don't mind my bad grammar or spelling mistakes because English is not my mother language \(º □ º l|l)/

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