Can you Date Without Sex?

My friend Sandra started dating Greg about four months ago. She had just come out of a pretty serious relationship that ended woefully, which led to her making new rules for all her subsequent relationships. The major rule was that she wasn’t going to rush into having sex and she would prefer to take her time to know this person more. She believed that sex had a way of beclouding true emotions. She told Greg about this right from the word go and he said he didn't mind. That he wanted to have something deeper with her than sex. But he started to get cranky about a month ago and even threatening to walk away if they don’t get intimate. He said the fact that she hadn't made up her mind about going all the way with him is because she doesn’t trust him. And that there is no point to it all if there was no trust.


Now Sandra feels like Greg never really loved her. That he probably only for into this in order to eat the cookie at the end of the day. There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding going on between these two and I really hope that they can work it out because they have had some nice times.

Sex is a topic that manages to creep into a any conversation when guys gather together over a table of drinks. From these conversations I was able to learn that for an average guy, sex is an integral part of the relationship. No sex, no relationship. Like my friend Mike will say,

“Behind all the buying of flowers and the expensive dinners is the need to get some good sex. That's just the truth.” 

Then he added this for good measure:

“Why would anyone want to go a whole day without some good roll in the hay? Sex is so awesome! Sex is bae!!”

I can hardly even picture a successful relationship in this age and time without sex. Especially now that sex is so easy to obtain. Friends have sex with each other. Even colleagues in the office.  

I guess there are people out there who don’t ascribe to the fact that withholding sex or being so particular about it is making “too much ado about nothing.” They feel like sex should be a very intimate act between two people who really care about each other and are completely faithful to one another. This is more attainable for them in a matrimonial home. 

Thus there are all sorts of conflicting views on sex and dating.

So this brings us to the topic of the day:

Can you date without sex? Why?


(images courtesy of pixabay) 

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