
If you take a time out from watching TV, internet, smart phones or game consoles and take a walk in nature you may find something amazing will happen to you. The first thing you will notice is how incredibly complex and advanced nature is. BE still and listen to all the sounds. Tune in and be aware. The second thing you notice is that you are actually connected to nature, the earth around your feet, the trees, the ground, the air, the water. You will experience a re-connection to the world around you.

Energy from everything is transmitting it's signal, it's a bio-electrical pulse flowing either through you or around you. You are connected to the world and a universe of possibilities opens up before your very eyes. Allowing you to experience the creativity of the natural world. This is ancient technology. This is when you may begin to see that time, matter, energy, vibration, frequency, light and creation are all one. How you connect to it can determine your own frequency and the success of others around you.


You will also find that the energy you give out, you will attract in equal measure. You give out negative energy and you will attract more negative things around you. You give out positive energy, collaborate and help others, then you will receive positive energy and you life path will begin to change. This is what is called the sharing economy.

Pay it Forward

Try it. This simple test. Do something good for someone and observe how something good comes back to you. It may take a few minutes, hours, days but something good will come back to you that was related to your own action. Don't wait for it to happen. It will come and you will recognise it when it does.

With this in mind, the future is created in everything we do, in every action. It's all about making positive choices. Choices that affect not only yourself but helps others around you in your network or circles. The decentralised future is ours to create.

So where do you find this spark? The spark of imagination that can transform an idea and change your own life path and help others.

It is IN you.

Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius

"Eat, Pray, Love" author Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses -- and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius. It's a funny, personal and surprisingly moving talk.

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