One scoop or two?

Today I have mostly been eating ice cream in a French crêperie!

So this will be an ice cream related doodle day! What can I say, I take my work seriously so I had to do some ground work first and sample multiple dishes.

Here we have some strawberry sorbet, followed by a sundae style ice cream dish. The sundae consisted of vanilla, chocolate and Calvados flavoured ice cream covered in homemade chantilly cream with chocolate sauce. Calvados is an apple brandy spirit from the Normandy region of France.
Note, these are not suitable if you are on a calorie controlled diet. I am on an ice cream controlled diet, so they are fine.

I used my paint pens to sketch my desserts, a lasting memory to keep when my bowl is empty.

I used koh-l-noor watercolours over the paint pen.

Who ate all the ice cream?

What's you favourite flavour?

Follow me @opheliafu

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