Our Life on Planet Earth – Part 6: The Basic Components of the Human Being.

Hi Steemers!

Today I want to talk about something which I believe is fundamental. Especially for all those who are interested in and actually practice spirituality and for all of you who want to know more, just because you have ‚the feeling that there is more’.

It’s still a view, I’m not preaching, still I try to share what I have learned and what I believe. If you disagree I whole-heartedly accept and respect it. I kindly ask you to do the same.

We looked at the soul in the previous posts, at least a little bit, we will look into it more precisely now. There’s not only a body and a soul. It would have been simply too much to talk about all of it at once, in one post.

On a spiritual journey, on a way to discover life, it should be clear in one’s mind which basic elements a human being has. I think it’s a very basic piece of the puzzle we look at.

Actually there’s only one basic element ‘visible‘ for us, talking about a standard way of seeing things: The physical nature of the human being, what we use to call ‘body’, in the widest sense of the word.

There are 2 more parts we can add: The soul and something which is to be considered the greatest and everlasting part of a human being, the spirit.

The ability to observe the spirit and the soul has been lost during time, we still are able to observe the sensual and the physical things with our physical eyes. Only a limited group of persons is still able to see what we don’t see, that means soul and spirit are ‚visible‘ and can be seen by some, even today.

All 3 parts can be recognized and seen if you learn how to, and yes: We all have the ability to, we just forgot about it. It’s still a common property and not exclusive to just a few. The key is education. The right one.

-/ The body

We can find the same physical and chemical laws for the body and the world that surrounds us. The physical world is perceptible with our physical senses. Not only subjectively for us but also objectively for our perception. The human being subjectively exercises physical activities such as: digesting, breathing, eating and drinking. It is the human being that does all of this, and its perceptible.

-/ The soul

The human being is much more, something greater, subjectively. The human being is also a sum of feelings and emotions, instincts and passions. Just as you digest, you feel and you desire. That’s also you! But that’s usually not objectively perceptible, in most cases. You can’t see your vis-a-vis’s feelings, the emotions, the desires, the instincts. And this world is called the astral world or spiritual / soul world. And ‚soul‘ is not what psychology commonly tries us to teach. That’s just a part of it.

-/ The spirit

An even greater world than the mental world / soul world is the spiritual world. The world of thoughts. Objective thoughts.


These are the 3 basic elements: Body, soul and spirit.


Both soul and spirit are ‚subject to laws’ just like the body and are embedded in a world. Just in a different way. Now each of these 3 basic elements can be divided again into 3 parts.

-/ The body

1. Part: Physical Body

The undermost part of the body is the one we can see with our physical senses, the so called: Physical body. It is subject to the same powers and laws that surround us, the whole physical world. Everything you can percept and see up to the atom is called the physical body.

2. Part: The Ethereal body

An example: If you compare a stone and a plant you’ll end up saying: The stone is lifeless but the plant is imbued with life. That’s the ethereal body. That little something that makes the plant a plant, and not a stone. You can also call it vitality, vital force / energy.


Even Goethe said, that is requires something greater than the body to be able to explain life.

Faust, Part 1, Mephitopheles:

Who'll know aught living and describe it well,

Seeks first the spirit to expel.

He then has the component parts in hand

But lacks, alas! the spirit's band.

And he talks about the band of the vital force here.


You can find this ethereal body in every human being, every animal and every plant.

3. Part: The Soul Body

To get an idea we can say that not every object that lives is able to feel, that there’s no perception. What makes the plant different from a stone (the ethereal body), makes the human being (and animal) different from the plant (the soul body). It’s more than just reproduction, the soul body enables perception.

Now we have all the ‚external‘ parts of the being.

Time for the ‚internal’ parts.

The feeling self.

-/ The soul

1. Part: The Sentient Soul

The transition from body to soul happens in this stage. We rise from the soul body to the soul, the undermost part of the soul: The sentient soul. Both the soul body and the sentient soul can’t be seen individually, they build a whole. The body of the soul is like an outer shell, the sentient soul is inside.

That’s the Astral Body. The top part of the physical body and the undermost part of the soul build a whole.
Everything you can feel and sense form then things on the outside sticks to the sentient soul.

2. Part: The Intellectual Soul

This part includes the memory and the lower mind.
Everything you call ‚feelings‘ like hate, love, desire, sympathy, antipathy sticks to the intellectual soul.

3. Part: The Consciousness Soul

It contains the consciousness.

The human being starts to live in the consciousness soul and during the childhood the consciousness soul transforms into the self-conscious soul. Everyone of us experienced it, the day you recognize: There’s a ‚ME’, there’s an ‚I’. ‚I am I.

That’s the greatest / highest part of the soul of a human being.

And that’s what we know as the ‚Aura‘.

-/ The Spirit

The 3 parts of the Aura, 3 oval forms shaped like a fog, wrap the human body. The Aura shines in manifold colors. The human being is embedded in it like in a cloud and desires, emotions, passions and instincts are expressed in this cloud. The world of emotions of a human being is presented by a play of colors of the aura. The tripartite aura is the soul of the human being.

And the ‚I’ of the self-conscious soul is like a flickering blue oval form in this aura. The ‚I‘ is a blue light body.

And that’s the 3rd part, that’s the spirit.

1.Part: The Spirit Self

called ‚Manas‘ in occidental philosophies;

This part is connected with the utmost part of the soul just as the utmost part of the body is connected with the undermost part of the soul. 

2.Part: The Spirit of Life

the deepest essence and being of a human being;

called ‚Buddhi‘ in occidental philosophies;

3. Part: The Spirit Man

the immortal part

called ‚Atma’ in occidental philosophies;



We have 3 parts, divided again into 3 parts each = 9 parts in total

3 x 3 parts of the human entity. The 3rd and the 4th part make a whole (the top part of the physical body and the undermost part of the soul) such as the 6th and 7th part make a whole as well (the top part of the soul and the undermost part of the spirit). So we have 7 parts in total.

And that’s where the famous & infamous number 7 has its origin, the number you can find everywhere.



I’ve met 2 women years ago on my spiritual journey (I’ve talked to many other’s, men as well, these 2 had the biggest impact). I’ve been in touch with one of them frequently, as her time and schedule permits. Both have independently introduced me to / told me about these components during our meetings. One of them is clairvoyant since her early childhood. The other lady is clairvoyant since an accident, a gift (incl. a very extensive teaching and introduction/knowledge about the truth) that was given to hear during coma. Once we met she said: ‚You don’t have to say anything: I can see it.‘ I said: Where? How?. She replied: ‚Oh, I can see the images right next to your head.’

That’s intimidating and fascinating at the same time. You can’t hide anything. You can’t lie. It’s not possible. And that’s a very good start of a productive conversation.

Other than that: Reading, reading, reading. Different books, different philosophies (Hinduism, Buddhism, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Vasihnavism). In the end they all teach the same. And the ladies I’ve met confirmed it when I asked them about it or they just told me about it during our meetings. If you talk about personal development these parts are pretty much always included.

They don’t brag about their capabilities though, they help people wherever possible, they have actually all talents united in one person: therapist, soul coach, mediator, teacher, mother, wife, and numerous others, all in one, most of it honorary.

Consider me convinced when I talk about these things. It’s not a self-brewed idea. I’m convinced that this is the truth.

Thank you for your attention.

To be continued…

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