Why YOU Should Learn Coding!

We live in a world that's dominated by technology.

Humans are always striving to make things easier - faster, better, with less effort.

Programming is an important part of our future. Programming is the key to a automated future, and people that have that skill will be able to shape the future.

Most people even know that this is true, but say to themselves that it's too difficult to learn, or that they don't have the time.

And yes, it might be difficult for some people to learn coding - but it's worth it. Not like some other things you spend time with.

"You don't have to be a genius to learn how to code - you just have to be determined." - Vanessa Hurst

Programming has a future - no, it is the future.

So you're better off spending your time learning programming, instead of studying for a job that will be outworn within the next few decades.

When choosing a job for the future, it's not only important to think about what you like or where your strengths are. You have to think about the future as well.
Of course I'm not saying go and do something or the rest of your life that will make you unhappy, but we often make it too easy for ourselves.

Like @federicopistono has already mentioned in his book, being a programmer is one of the only jobs that will stay relevant in the future.
Most jobs can be overtaken by machines (and will be), but programming needs the human sense of creativity, which no robot could learn.

Everybody talks about wanting safety. But creating safety for yourself can also mean LEARNING something, acquiring a new skill that will be your Airbag in the future.

"The programmers of tomorrow are the wizards of the future." - Gabe Newell

The effort that you put into learning coding is definitely worth it.  And there's even an added bonus - when you mastered one programming language, it's easier to learn other ones as well. 

There are programming languages for everything - you just have to ask yourself what you're interested in. 

No matter what it is - coding a website, software, apps or even blockchain - there are so many different kinds of programming. You can compare it to our different languages of the world - english, french, spanish, italian - and in the same way, there are different languages in programming as well.

The difference is that these languages have a purpose

"Great coders are today's Rockstars." - Will.I.Am

I think Steemit has a great audience for this topic -unlike other social media- because there are already many programmers here.
And Steemit itself is already proof that shows what technology can do and how programming can change our lives - so what more proof would you need?

Programming can be found in almost every aspect of our lives - the machines that produce our goods, the software that controls the cash register at the grocery store, the tools that save our lives at the hospital and of course the smartphones we use daily. 

All of that would not be possible without programming, and there are endless examples.

This Post should get people to think about this topic.

If someone is really interested in learning how to code, you can contact me on rocket chat @sirwinchester and I can give you some tips on how to learn the following programming languages: 

C#, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, WordPress, Android, iOS (Swift)

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