EXCLUSIVE: More than a bromance - the intimate relationship between John F. Kennedy and his gay friend - from prep school to the White House - where pal had his own room !

Schoolboy crush? Lem Billings and John F Kennedy were practically inseparable in prep school. Billings reportedly wrote the future president a love note on a piece of toilet paper.
Quirk immediately pegged Billings as gay, noting his 'high, screechy laugh,' and 'high nasal whine of a voice.' As they became close, Billings confided that his relationship with Kennedy was, in fact, sexual, to a point.

According to Quirk, Billings revealed that his friendship with the future president of the United States 'included oral sex, with Jack always on the receiving end.'

Their arrangement, Quirk asserted, 'enabled Jack to sustain his self-delusion that straight men who received oral sex from other males were really only straights looking for sexual release,' and he further observed, 'Jack was in love with Lem being in love with him and considered him the ideal follower adorer.'

The Kennedy patriarch, Joe, a noted philanderer himself, was suspicious of Billings' sexual preference from the start of his son's close friendship with him. He noted that everywhere Jack went, Billings was sure to follow, like a puppy dog. On school breaks, Jack often brought Billings home with him, sparking Joe Kennedy to complain to his wife, Rose, 'Do we have to have that q***r around all summer?'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4566596/Inside-relationship-JFK-Lem-Billings.html#ixzz4ji32G1Ml

I don't know, I'm just reporting on weird conspiracy items and you can make your own decision. It may be true? It may not but its certainly odd and I never heard of this one before!

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