Why You Need To Learn How To Vanish!

Without the ability to keep secrets, individuals lose the capacity to distinguish themselves from others, to maintain independent lives, to be complete and autonomous persons. This does not mean that a person actually has to keep secrets to be autonomous, just that she must possess the ability to do so. The ability to keep secrets implies the ability to disclose secrets selectively, and so the capacity for selective disclosure at one’s own discretion is important to individual autonomy as well.

Secrecy is a form of power. The ability to protect a secret, to preserve one’s privacy, is a form of power. The ability to penetrate secrets, to learn them, to use them, is also a form of power. Secrecy empowers, secrecy protects, secrecy hurts. The ability to learn a person’s secrets without his or her knowledge — to pierce a person’s privacy in secret — is a greater power still.

We want to help you exercise your unalienable right to secrecy, or in other words, to have you and your property left alone.

Starting to vanish can seem like a massively complicated project. Please do not be intimidated but just take it one step at a time. Sure, you may feel overwhelmed and be wondering, “Where in the world do I start?”

This article will give you practical and actionable tips with as much value as possible to solve the particular issue or circumstance. Sometimes the tips are basic. Sometimes the tips are complex. But never will your time or attention be taken for granted with fluffy time wasting suggestions.

Sometimes this includes analysis of a law or court case, actual or potential uses of some technology or just current trends or events.

But at the end of the day we want to help you protect your privacy, decrease your risk of being an identity theft victim and doing so completely legally so you do not break any laws.

Five Things You Can Do

1. Here is a Free Privacy Guide that contains five easy ways to increase your privacy and is a quick introduction to actionable items you can do for free right now.

2. Get acquainted with Bitcoin. I have loved, written about and recommended Bitcoin for a long time and see it as a powerful tool when applying it to controlling privacy ever since. Bitcoin will become one of your most powerful tools because it makes so much possible. And protecting your Bitcoin, or Steem for that matter!, involves understanding how to use asymmetric cryptography to secure and protect private keys.

3. Read a few of these popular posts. If a lot of other people have found them useful then maybe you will too.

4. Consider watching some videos at How To Vanish TV. These are often included in articles we write as examples or solutions but you may feel like going through the playlist anyway.

5. The more people who apply privacy hygiene the safer and more private we all are because you could protect your privacy only to have one of your friends inadvertently breach it. Even Randi Zuckerberg, the sister of Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg, complained about a family photo being posted to Facebook and the shared with the public.


So please consider sharing our content with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter. This should stir some interesting discussions and help all of us be safer by employing privacy hygiene practices.

And we would love to hear from fellow Steemers on why privacy is so important. Please share your stories, strategies, tips and tricks in the comments so help us all out. Thanks!

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