Yes! You heard me right FREE Stellar Lumens for every person who holds any amount of Bitcoin, on a wallet that they control. This most-likely will not work for any exchange holdings. Actually I'm almost certain it won't.  Now listen up and I'll tell ya how all of this will work but, first make sure to read the Blog Post made by the stellar team. I'll provide a link below!

Last October stellar decided to reserve 19% of their total coin supply, for holders of Bitcoin. Which is about 16 BILLION Lumens. If you ask yourself, why are they doing this. Well, in the post made by the stellar team, they go on to say :

 When we were first designing Stellar, Bitcoin acted as a profound inspiration. The Bitcoin network was the first to show that it’s possible for a group of untrusted parties to agree on a common database, and the Bitcoin community still influences our understanding of this technology’s impact. 

It's very interesting to say the least, by now you're probably begging to know how you can get your hands on this free cryptocurrency hand out. Well it's really simple. On June 26, 2017 The stellar team will be taking a "snapshot" of the Bitcoin blockchain. If you hold bitcoin you will be in that snapshot. Then on June 27, 2017  the stellar team will publish a claim page on their website. You can then search for your address, prove ownership, provide your stellar address, then you've done it. Totally free cryptocurrency. In your wallet!


Free Stellar Blog Post

Stellar's Website

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