Medical ‘Quack’ Paul Offit Responds To News About HPV Vaccine ‘Syndrome’

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Paul Offit is one of the Worlds biggest front men for pushing Vaccines upon the population. He is the very definition of a Corporate Medical Whore, either the man has sold his sole to the devil for the financial benefits it offers him (or the skeletons he’s been promised will stay in the wardrobe), or he is so brainwashed by the system that educated him, so compartmentalised that he genuinely believes everything he says and writes. I’d like to think it was the latter, but the former is far more likely.

So in response to an article from ‘Medscape Medical’ News article published on August 11, 2016, titled “Chronic Symptoms After HPV Vaccine: Part of Wider Syndrome?” Paul Offit has responded:

This news article covered a study by an Italian group that was recently published inImmunologic Research.[1] This notion that the HPV vaccine can cause symptoms of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia has been out there for years. And frankly, it’s the reason that the Ministry of Health in Japan has decided not to recommend the HPV vaccine, which is sad because this issue has been looked at again and again.

First of all, the HPV vaccine was studied for safety in 30,000 people for 7 years before licensure.[2] It has been formally studied both in phase 4 postlicensure studies and by the Vaccine Safety Datalink in more than a million people, and has been found not to cause chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. When those symptoms do occur, they occur at the same rate in both vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.[3]

We learned from these studies that the HPV vaccine doesn’t prevent fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue in adolescents. That Medscape chose to highlight this article,[1] as if it were in any way an advance, is disappointing. Frankly, this falls under the same category as the syndrome described by Andrew Wakefield—that the MMR vaccine caused intestinal symptoms and autism, which also was thoroughly debunked.[4]

The problem is that this raises the same ill-founded belief that was raised by Katie Couric on her show Katiethat the HPV vaccine may cause chronic symptoms. As a consequence, at least a segment of society has become falsely concerned about the safety of this vaccine. We know that the HPV vaccine doesn’t cause these problems, but people are making the choice not to have their children receive the vaccine; only 40% of girls and about 21% of boys are getting this vaccine.[5]

Every year in this country, the HPV-9 [vaccine] would prevent about 29,000 cases of cancer—two thirds in girls, about one third in boys—and it would prevent about 4800 deaths.[6] So when only 40% of girls and 21% of boys are getting this vaccine, we can assume that about 2000 children every year in this country are going to become adults who die, needlessly, from this infection.

I think we have scared people unnecessarily, in part because we have been a little concerned about bringing up the issue of sex in front of these children (and that can be uncomfortable), instead of just talking about what we should talk about: that this is a cancer-preventing vaccine that’s being underutilized. So, I’m a little disappointed that Medscape chose, in any sense, to highlight an article claiming that the HPV vaccine caused chronic disease when such a claim is without basis. Thank you.

And yet Paul we seem to have more victims of the HPV Vaccine everyday, it is of course possible to explain away many of these as coincidence or hysteria, but when the numbers are in the tens of thousands surely we have to start considering, ‘Could there be an issue with the Vaccine?’.

As Paul Offit points out Japan have suspended the HPV Vaccine programme for these very reasons, which he states is unfortunate, and although he doesn’t say so, what he means by this is – Japan is wrong to do this, because we know best.

There are literally thousands of testimony’s from Girls affected by the HPV Vaccine, either the studies undertook while testing the Vaccine were flawed, faked or covered-up by the Profit driven vaccine manufacturers and the historically fraudulent CDC.

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