To my understanding, the word 'anarchy' is a combination of the Greek words 'an' and 'archos' which respectively mean 'without' or 'lack of' and 'chiefs' or 'rulers', so basically, the word means, 'without rulers'.
I'm not one for labels but if I had to choose one, then anarchist is not a bad label to have, in my opinion. It doesn't completely define me but it gives a good impression of what I stand for and where my point of view is coming from.
The reason I spend my time on steemit is that I see an anarchist society in this little community we are building for ourselves and I am aware that it is by our actions that we could make this platform a wonderful example to the wider world in general, in how to act within a system that has no rules or rulers.
As sovereign, independent, men and women using this platform, we have the ability to decide for ourselves what behaviour is acceptable and how we react to the behaviour of others. I have seen some initiatives put forward lately which give me hope that we are starting to turn a corner in respect of our thinking in this regard and it is very welcome to me. Now that we are becoming more aware of the responsibility that we individually and collectively bare, I would suggest that we also start to discuss what we would like the platform to represent going forward and begin working towards that, together.
Thanks for your time. :)
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