[GAME: Alpha Game : 0] - Yesterday the world was understandable... today... you tell me...

Urban Fantasy setting game inspired by brainstorming with steemit members on the idea of a steemit game.

Source: www.pintrest.com

RULES OF PLAY: Alpha Game - Original Rules - read the rules to benefit from participation

Say Goodbye To Yesterday

Source: www.veteransday.com

In the year 2001 the world changed. Early on the morning of September 11th, 2001 allegedly 19 hijackers took control of four passenger planes. The destruction that ensued is the stuff of nightmares. The stuff of nightmares was not simply because of this act of terror of colliding the planes with buildings. The stuff of nightmares was not simply because, this and many other conspiracy theories seem to be more conspiracy fact than conspiracy theory. In fact the most off the wall conspiracy theories seem far more likely than they would have seemed in the time before that event. Within weeks what the normal world was considered to be was changed. Perspectives on what was myth, what was fantasy, and what were fairy tales were forever changed. The shock of this is still being felt throughout the world and the entirety of the world still has no semblance of understanding on how to handle this.

The first shock was when a wealthy investor by the name of Leland Brooks came forth in New York City expressing his outrage. Outrage at the time was expected. What was not expected was his appearance on that day and what he said. It may have been a bit outrageous that he was apparently wearing a costume to deliver this message. He had pointed ears like he was trying to be funny or he was a Trekkie gone wild. This is what he had to say.

Source: forum.nationstates.net

Enough is enough! You humans cannot control your actions and on September 11th your petty squabbles and amoral approach to problems cost more than human lives. It cost us lives! We have been here with you for as long as recorded history. We the Elven Clans can no longer sit idly by and expect your actions not to effect us. Technology has advanced and your ability to cause destruction has outpaced your common sense and morality.

At this point he paused to point at the backdrop screen behind him. Unlike a weather man with a weather map behind him it now showed a familiar scene of an airplane crashing into the World Trade Center.

Source: giphy.com

On September 11th we lost 31 of our people! This may seem like a small number to you but, our population is much smaller and we do not reproduce as quickly as you do. This cannot go on. We will no longer hide in the shadows. The Elven Clans will join you in the open and we will continue working as we have in the past but, instead of pretending to be human we will show you what we are.

At this point the screen behind him changed to a forest-clearing scene. We, the Elves, are not the only people you are unaware of to have lost lives through your inability to find a common ground amongst yourselves. Suddenly flying around his head are some small humanoid beings with butterfly like wings.

Source: giphy.com

These Pixies are some of the Fey that have also decided they will no longer hide. They lost some of their families in the gardens and flowers in the World Trade Center that they tended.

He gestures and the Pixies fly off the set. The scene behind Leland changes and becomes a map of the world.

Source: geology.com

Over the following days, weeks, and months you will begin to hear from more of those that have walked amongst you in secret. The time of secrecy is past. We will no longer be collateral damage to your insanity. We WILL have equal rights and we will help to protect all from the insanity of humanity.

With that Leland walks off the stage and the stations it was broadcasting on returned to their normally scheduled programming.

The resulting media was huge but, most people considered it fake and CGI. While they considered it fake they also considered it a tasteless joke to have performed at the time the nation and the world were in shock over 9-11.

It would become clear how very real it was. Over the following months bands of Elves revealed themselves around the world though the heaviest concentrations of them were in the United States and Europe. They also did what they claimed they would do.

The news would go back to 9-11 and the mainstream corporate media would start telling a story and within an hour of telling that story their signal would often be interrupted and Leland Brooks would appear to “Set the story straight”. Leland made it clear that Osama Bin Ladin and Al Qaeda were involved from what they could see with what happened on 9-11. Others like Vice President Dick Cheney also were culpable. It was the first and only time in the history of the United States that the Vice President took control of Norad. It also was when our air response to hijacked planes was not rapid. We failed not ONE time but, FOUR times while Dick Cheney held the reigns of the force responsible for stopping such events. This statement did not convince everyone and Dick Cheney was able to brush it off as a “Conspiracy Nut Theory”. Over time Leland would have more to say about this.

Source: www.salon.com

The early days in what would become known as the OUTING were dominated by news and appearances by Leland Brooks in the United States. At one such live appearance a group of men wearing masks lifted automatic weapons from under their coats and opened fire on Leland. The bullets seemed to hit a shimmering blue wall in the air and drop to the ground and lightning lashed from a human standing near Leland that appeared to be holding only a battery out stretched in the palm of his hand. The lightning arced from the sky and the ground and knocked the would be assassins down. This was caught by several news agencies that were filming the gathering.

Source: giphy.com

Magic was real!

In a world where magic, and conspiracy theories are real, where are you right now...

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