Acid's Crypto Picks - Introduction

Greetings everyone!

First off, some introduction about this account and what I have planned for it.

I have been a block-chain enthusiast for many years now, ever since 2013 when i heard about bitcoins the first time. Kinda funny actually, I used to stream and play WoW when I got annoyed at paypal taking most of my donations in fees. Googling "payment services online" and browsing a few pages into that search I stumbled upon bitcoin. Didn't take a lot of reading on it until I became hooked and saw the potential and possibility decentralization were offering, not just for me but for the whole world. What's funny is that 4 years later we are still in the same position, centralized services are still the majority and keep making profits on their services which pretty much are obsolete already thanks to the block-chain.

Although being late to bitcoin and only able to purchase some at 200$ before the Mt Gox pump, I didn't stop becoming active in the communities and found myself looking at altcoins more and more. Although at that time there was mainly Litecoin (which got pumped to 40$ with bitcoin) I have to say I wasn't prepared for the roller-coaster of altcoins that started appearing. From Dogecoin, Worldcoin, Digibytes and all that were created after that, I was lucky enough to be one of the few to be there at their start and how they evolved from there.

After a couple years reading, reading and reading some more about all the new currencies, you started to get a sense of knowing what is worthless and which ones had potential. Obviously the speculating game in this industry, with all the anonymity is risky and dangerous, but placing the right buys and playing the waiting game has showed over time to be really, really profitable.

It took me many years to find the dedication and patience to not sell too early or too late, but with experience it has gotten better over time and I find myself making quite good profit on trading and investing.

Some thing that bothers me lately though, are all the services that are out there currently marketing their bitcoin and altcoin predictions. Telling you to trust them with their money so that they do the trades for you, and still have you pay for the service... All that feels obsolete nowadays in my eyes too. Every user in this day and age can look up information on the internet for free, learn and practice whatever their interests are, and something that Bitcoin and the history of exchanges that have gone under is that "if you don't hold the asset in your own hand, then you don't own it". This doesn't just qualify for exchanges and crypto-assets, but with all money and valuables in general.

Now that we have a decentralized social platform, we have the power to get rid of all these obsolete services that have been draining our value with unnecessary fees and costs. While at the same time being able to give value to other services that won't cost you anything but your time, and let you think and make the decisions yourself instead of trying to sell you anything.

So without further ado, I want to present you my plans about this account, and how I want to do it differently.

The idea.

  1. Put my money where my mouth is. This means, on all trades I will be doing in the future and for this project, I will buy that asset myself first, prove the trade transaction and then go on explaining my investment and why I chose it. This will give any user reading it time to make a decision if he wants to purchase said asset himself, and I won't be able to back out saying "oh no I didn't invest in that, you must have got me wrong" because everything is saved on the block-chain!
  2. This won't cost you anything. I'm not asking the readers to subscribe and pay me for my services before-hand, all it will cost you is your time and potentially your investment. We all should know by now never to invest more than you can afford to lose.
  3. This account will be focused on long-term investments. The nature of alternative currencies has shown that he/she who waits (holds), gets rewarded, the longer the better depending on the investment. My posts here will mainly be reviews of currencies and own opinions.
  4. More about 'putting money where my mouth is' all SD rewards these posts make will go to further investments into alternative currencies. The goal will be to re-buy Steem later with a portion of the profits and re-invest them into this platform, as its the one I believe in the most lately.
  5. With another portion of the profits, I will reward the most contributing users to these posts as a thanks. (Won't name how your contributions will be valued as to not cause any unnecessary spam or abuse) Since I won't post these too often, only when I find new gems or other good buy opportunities on already existing currencies, I set a date for the reward to be on the 31st December. 10% of the profits will be shared amongst the 10 most contributing users.

This account will also provide posts on a regular basis with news and comments about the investments, upcoming ones and other stuff.
Wanted to provide some proof of my experience of crypto-currencies and to back my words up, here is a screenshot of my retired reddit account (retired because of Steemit :P) and my activities there:

Now I know many of you readers will think "This sounds like you are going to buy a coin - make the review post which might result into a pump and then you sell your share and make quick short-term profit."

To eliminate this option I will provide proof of the currencies on a weekly basis that they are still being "held".

If any other thoughts may appear about the legitimacy of this project, I am prepared to prove in any way I can my intentions and current investments within the project.

In case you have any thoughts of your own how I could improve this project, feel free to add that in the comment section below. I want the platform to gain more value, and adding good and reliable trading and investment projects to it for free (and get rewarded for it with time and dedication) is something that is still lacking on this site. I see many talking about charts and short-term trades, not many are active in long-term investments and letting others know about it, those that do; take your money for it.

I will be investing into these currencies whether these posts get any attention or not, thought I might as well take the time to explain to others my trades and why I executed them.

Altcoins can be very volatile and even though most of the investments won't see much or if any profit, I still believe it doesn't take many of them to pump up like Darkcoin, Monero or others, to profit and zero out the losses of the other investments.

One last bonus "proof" of my investments - I found this old thread in forum.bitcoin which I used to moderate at one point.

For those who are not familiar with Expanse, they were the second Dagger algo after Ethereum, this is their chart:

On poloniex you can see that one Expanse was worth 0.004 btc at its highest and I was mining an average of 150 expanse per day for a couple months:

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the read and are excited about this project! Already got a new currency in mind to review and talk about in the next post, so stay tuned for that!

Remember to follow my main account @acidyo if you enjoy the content there, or follow my curation trail on Streemian if you like, more info about that in this post.

If these posts become popular, I will also provide a voice-over video on youtube on the account "Crypto-channel" and make those videos Steemit exclusive!

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