Trading: SIA Coin (SC) with little margin of loss.

Trading: SIA Coin (SC) with little margin of loss.

Good morning dear Steemians, this time I will talk to you a bit of trading specifically the currency SIA coin (SC). To start I commented that I am a beginner trader and my analyses are basic but very objective and meaningful. I try to investigate, follow advanced trader and collate my analyses with theirs.

Okay, enough talk and let's get to the point.

As it says the title of the post, according to my analysis this coin has little margin of loss and much profit margin. I imagine you're wondering why, very simple. If we look at the graph (Figure 1), we can see that the value is in a historical minimum and also in a support that I would dare to say the most important of the currency until the moments.


Which would be to me to understand the plan of attack, if the value breaks downward with force that support can reach values inferior to the 218 satos but if it breaks with force upward accompanied by the crossing of the indicator MACD and increases of volume could be given a very important increase.

Let us remember that apart from the technical analysis we must include the fundamental one in order to obtain an integral result and what is perceived of the SC community is hopeful. It is a robust project with active developers and an innovative idea and if it were little their closest competitors are still in diapers!.

Please operate at your own risk!

With Love,

León G. Martínez Ostos

“And to continue the successes!”

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