Understanding What We Can't See - Conspiracy, "Debunking", and Absence of Evidence - Part Two

Introduction to Part Two

In Understanding What We Can't See - Conspiracy, "Debunking", and Absence of Evidence - Part One, we talked about the possibility of a lack of evidence when something is true, about why we believe things in the situations where we can't prove them, about why we want to believe certain things, about impossible logical situations, and about why believing in something that can't be proven can lead to mental stress.

In the followup, we are going to talk about how this applies in "conspiracy" theory. First in regards to the possibility of a kakistocracy, and then following from that in regards to PizzaGate. I put "conspiracy" in quotes because there is the connotation that discussion of conspiracy theories is in the realm of the mentally ill, and we have seen that is not a direct correlation.

I need to make two things very clear before I begin the followup to Part One.

  • I was not calling out anyone in particular as crazy! In fact, although Rich has a more extreme interpretation of PizzaGate than I do, we are agreed that there are governmentally connected and/or influential pedo rings, that there is something disturbing about the Podesta ring even before a pedo aspect comes into play, and that there is something not right in the Podesta emails.
  • When someone claims that a given theory has been "debunked" without conclusive proof, they are as engaged in conspiratorial thinking as is the person making the unproven claim.

Did you do your required reading from last time? ;> If not, no matter. I'll include the video link that is the most important to this discussion

The Kakistocracy

A summary from last post:

The word comes from the Greek words kakistos (κάκιστος; worst) and kratos (κράτος; rule), with a literal meaning of government by the worst people.

I'll let Dr. Tjeerd Andringa discuss the theory of the kakistocracy a little more in depth:

Now, I can no more prove the existence, or the non-existence, of the kakistocray, than I can prove existence or the non-existence of g!d. I'll return to the question of circular logic here:

1- IF a kakistocracy exists, it uses murder, intimidation, and blackmail to conceal it's existence.
2- So the absence of evidence of a kakistocracy does not lead to proof that a kakistocracy does not exist.
3- On the other hand, the absence of that evidence is not proof that a kakistocracy is destroying that evidence, and therefore exists.

What I will do is lay out some possibilities about the forms a kakistocracy could exist as; from the worst case scenario to the least:

  • There is a worldwide kakistocracy that does control everything, a New World Order or an Illuminati.
  • There is a worldwide kakistocracy that may not control everything but does have undue influence over world events, as in perhaps a Bohemian Grove where these folks trade favors.
  • There are regional kakistocracies which are stronger or weaker individually which do control some countries, industries, or companies. These groups may cooperate. You could use the prevalence of pedophilia in Hollywood as an example at this level
  • There are individual kakistocracies that may control an individual county, small city, or company. Think of the pedo ring covered up in Rotherdam. At this point, depending on how weak these groups control over their baronies, we might not even bother to refer to them as kakistocacies but simply corruptocracies (If you have read me for a while, you will see that my most often used word to describe various politicians and burrocrats is corruptocrat
  • There are no kakistocracies or corruptocracies; there are just pyscho/socio -paths that manage to cooperate with each other and subvert their institutions.

Some characteristics of kakistocrats

  • They are liars - Lies are powerful weapons
  • They are often narcissistic or dark triad personalities
  • A common theory to describe their operations is that they seek out ( or even attempt to modify a person's behavior) other corrupt people to work for them

The link to pedophilia and PizzaGate

A variation in that last theory is that kakistocrats seek out pedophiles or emesh new recruits as pedophiles in order to maintain a firm grip on their activity via blackmail. Three years ago, I would have laughed at this theory as insane.


So, as a fact, we have proven cases where government officials and/or influential industries facilitated the sexual abuse of children

Narrowing down the discussion to PizzaGate, I will not rehash discussions of evidence.

I will point out the Clintons's long history of associating with child traffickers:

Since there is a lack of evidence, people assign their own experiences and beliefs into it. The people that have uncritically accepted the Ministry of Truth's "debunking" will say let let's move on from this, while the people that have noted a consistent pattern of lying and deceit on the part of the media will be more receptive to the idea that pedophilia and murder are at the core of the Podesta emails.

Some alternative theory

Now we have pointed out that people must use faith and personal experience in making judgements in cases where facts are not present. We as humans do get caught up in binary thinking...that our choices must be THIS OR THAT.

Let's look at some alternate explanations for PizzaGate in the narrow look and sex abuse in the larger light.

Pizzagate was the Clinton syndicate using a the pizza code for other purposes (ordering minutes of pizza?, OK), possibly illegal campaign activites; noting the "art" and occult "hobbies" of that crowd, it is plausible that they adapted known pedo codes just for sick thrills.

Pedo rings may be simply the result of individual sex rings or corruptocrats covering their ass. In Rotherham, the most accepted explanation is that the abuse was allowed to continue to protect a political narrative of the leftists that Islam is not a problem in England:
The England That Is Forever Pakistan: Multiculturalism and Rape in Rotherham

If you look at political theories such as group complex or the bureaucratic politics model, organizations begin to protect the organization rather than the mission they were created to serve at some point in their growth; the individuals in the organization then ignore the job they are SUPPOSED to do in favor of guarding the organization.

Once case that this is pretty clear in regards to the sexual abuse of children is the Penn State child sex abuse scandal, in which the abuse was known but not commonly participated in the the institution and it's members.

Decamp did try to tie in Penn State to the Franklin Scandal, but I am not going farther down that line of inquiry. It is there for those that choose to take it

The Conclusion

Nothing is debunked or proven until the evidence is there to prove it. End of story. There is no need to silence discussion on an issue in which the facts are in doubt, or there is absence of evidence.

People are going to make judgements on issues in which there is no clear evidence based upon their faith and experience. Some of their conclusions will be be outlandish to you, but be prepared to be wrong:
I used to mock the libertarian "New World Order" conspiracists relentlessly when I was a neocon, pointing out every single logical flaw and error in results, calling them "Ron Paultards" and "Black Helicopter Freaks".

Its rather annoying that they were right more often than I was in several areas!

So keep your mind open, and continue to seek out new facts, and new explanations; apply scientific method and critical thinking. Use logic relentlessly. Prepare to be wrong. Accept that faith is a way of understanding the world. Don't let yourself go nuts over what you can't prove or disprove.

Trust in g!d and carry a hidden pistol.

...and have a great weekend!

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