What Does Your TIME + Your RELATIONSHIPS Have To Do With Anarchy? Absolutely Everything. (Plus, My 2/24 Anarchaforko Outline Is Inside!)

Well, the AfterGlow is upon us! If you are staying for a bit of time in Acapulco after Anarchapulco, please come co-create the continued fun at Anarchaforko February 23rd to 25th!

Breaking Woo-Woo's Hymen

Let's start with that title.

"Woo woo" is an onomatopoeia, which is a word that phonetically imitates, resembles or suggests the sound that it describes (like "bang" or "pow").

Apparently, "woo woo" is the sound ghosts make. So in modern-day use, it tends to describe -- usually pejoratively -- things that are super-natural or meta-physical.

Things that are beyond our ability to measure, contain, dominate or domesticate, tend to fall in the "woo woo" category.

Those who really want to control their circumstances (even if the control is an illusion), often do not find value in things that are beyond physical nature.

That de-valuing is the hymen. It's the (metaphorical) membrane that partially closes the mind's opening.

And it's to be gently broken as we share in this multi-sensory experience together.

(I value research, scientific study, and empirical data. My observations rely on them, but not exclusively.)

The premise/observed problem:

Two strong forces work against our freedom from our very beginning:

(1) EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY (some bio-behaviors influence our decisions as if we were still facing predatory tigers and tribal ostracism, even though we are not); and

(2) SOCIALIZATION (primary agents include institutions, family of origin, peers, and media).

Together these things force, enforce, and reinforce habits and traits that betray our freedom and wholeness. The result is that we live in sustained stress and normalized inauthenticity.

But we can opt for far better than that!


The proposed solution and call-to-action:

Olfaction is a neuro-hack that can bypass some of our stories, and many of our learned limits:

Terpenes and other plant compounds help us transform.

Botanical substances help us shift and lift out of hard-to-break behavioral patterns.

(One of my favorite psychonauts said we are going for altered TRAITS, not just altered STATES.)

So I'll share what I've learned about how our sense of smell is an under-used way to release unhealthy scripts running in our minds and hearts.

Just being in a forested environment has incredible -- documented -- healing effects that we will not only explore, but will also see how we might apply those effects to:

(1) TIME SOVEREIGNTY - How much of your time is really yours? If the theft of our taxes is unacceptable, what about the theft of our minutes??

(2) SOCIAL HONESTY - How many of your relationships are really honest? If we spend large amounts of time pretending or repressing just to remain liked by others, how free are we really??

By keeping our anarchistic attention on the public sector, we conveniently avoid the harder work of reorganizing our personal/actual lives and relationships according to our principles.

Reclaiming our time (as crypto has done for many), and practicing kind honesty in our relationships, are two things we can put into effect that will immediately lower stress, and heighten personal freedom.

I'll share what I'm learning from practicing these principles, and also invite YOUR learnings, questions and observations.

ALL of our senses will be engaged, as we journey from start, to stress, to botanic solutions.

Our experience will be enriched with music, aroma, touch, eye-gazing, and movement. (All voluntary, of course).

My very first Steemit post, from 1.5 years ago, is a good introduction to my thinking and the things that most influence it.

I really hope to see you at Anarchaforko! Get your ticket. Pick something you want to share or organize. Add it to the calendar. We are all self-authorized to create the thing we want to experience.

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