Anarchaforko Anarchapulco Fork Update: Shots from Lily's New Phone

I got a new phone right before the start of the fork as I dropped my old one (which needed replaced anyway) and broke the screen. Needing a phone for last minute fork preparations I invested in a Sony of the versions with a 23 megapixel camera. These are the photos I took at the fork with my phone, many of them were shared to Facebook.

This is the circle of chairs intended to be a natural speaking area. This is for when small discussions or seminars need a bigger area and sound system due to a lot of draw. Some people scheduled themselves as speakers in this area and for a few it made sense, but for many it showed when most of the chairs were empty as forkers were off doing other activities.

The circle of chairs looked awesome, truth be told. And it came in handy a few times.

Some early fork conversation happening....

This area outside was often more inhabited than the inside. I blame the air conditioning and lack of sunshine.

Here's a quick shot of @elemental's table selling juices and gems at the fork.

@kennyskitchen and some forkers chilling and chatting.

I invited a local artist and entreprenuer Daphne to come and do henna tattoos and sell stuff. It was a great idea, once I had her do this on my arm she was so busy I couldn't get her free to do another one for me. When we left the third day she was still sitting outside the venue in the dark with her brother holding a phone light so she could finish some guy's henna tattoo. Get it girl! She'll be there next year too!

@pauliepro purchased some beach balls and some forkers had some fun at the end of the night.

Late night taco shenanagins.

The henna somehow managed to look even better the next morning, not sure how that happened.

Many of the talks started happening outside, like this one on technology.

@erikaharris gave a great interactive workshop on biohacks that many people loved.

A shot of @larkenrose's Korg keyboard just before it started it's journey back to the US.

This is a shot of the conference center from above from like 20 years before.

A goodbye shot of the center after we were finished with it....stay tuned for more photos and updates.

Did you enjoy this post? Check out the links below for more like this one!

Anarchaforko Anarchapulco Fork Update: First Forking Day Shenanagins
Anarchaforko Anarchapulco Fork Update: Awesome Fork Scuba Diving Trip Part 1
Anarchaforko Anarchapulco Forks: Thank You Forkers! It Forking Worked! Details Inside

In case you missed them, some of my recent posts:

Kombucha Chronicles: 5 Gallon Brew Harvest!
Acapulco Sunsets: Winding Down with Pretty Colors
Acapulco Nights: Beautiful Lights and Long Days

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