What would you say to the one you see last time?

Today, my thoughts to myself suddenly made revision. There are days when you start to rethink what happened in your life good or bad, when you start to think, what led you to where you are now formed such what you are, when you remember the people in your life bearing undoubted influence.

Some people in my life have disappeared. No no. They are not necessarily dead. Just them left. One day they disappeared and their place was taken by others. And now they live their lives somewhere else, as I am my own.

Some people I absolutely don't miss. There are people who appear in life, has played some role and disappeared. You realize that their communication and your mission is completed and even met you would not need to try to revive the relationship. It is - sort of book is easy: you read, while you read, was glad to have put the country and everything. Forgotten - no deeper reflection, no deeper indentation, only time well spent.

Other disappearances I sometimes miss (do not think that im talking about love. I am talking about communication in general). Even if those people did not become best friends, even if together we haven't had a single evening talking about this and that, I miss them.

What would you say to one or another person, knowing that you may see it last time, so that your ways will never meet again? This question tried to ask yourself. I thought about the last moments, when I saw some of my life missing people - strange, it was not anything special. Those people just left.

I think, does it mean anything to them that they met me? Is the meeting gave them something? Do they remember me sometimes? if you meet each other would you go past each other, pretending to be strangers without bothering to shake hands, maybe you would sit down and talk as if you never left each other? In my life it happened even like that.

Maybe our lives are often caused people something to give us, but they themselves do not get anything out of it, and vice versa? Could it be that part of love is completely meaningless: they give nothing than to us than others? Is it true that there is nothing in this world happens for nothing and everything makes sense?

The more I think, the more questions arise. Probably that is how you become a philosopher.

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