Copy Clinic - Would You Trust this Corporation?

What is Copy Clinic?


Hello everyone. I'm working on a script for a new animation. It's based on a passage written by Michael Huemer. Ultimately the video will be published on YouTube, and I hope for it to be spread widely through social media.

The primary kind of viewer I have in mind is in their teens or twenties. They can follow English well, but are not necessarily a native speaker. This person leans to the left politically, but their political views are mainly a reflection of their immediate social environment rather than outcomes of study and careful reflection.

I'd like your critical feedback on the script below. What do you think isn't working well (and ideally, why)? What could make it better? What does work well? Please feel free to suggest alternative titles too if you have any in mind.

All feedback is very much appreciated, including comments I'll end up not taking action on. Thanks in advance for your time and attention if you choose to respond!

Would you trust this corporation?

Anarcho-capitalism is a hypothetical way a society could be arranged. Under this order there are no public services. All services are provided by private firms instead.

Many find the anarcho-capitalist vision troubling because they distrust corporations. It’s an understandable concern. Here’s a suggestion for reflection:

Imagine someone proposing that the key to social justice and solution to corporate greed was to establish a gigantic corporation, much larger than any other—a corporation with revenues in the trillions of dollars.

A corporation with a monopoly on some extremely important market which it used to extend its control into other markets.

And hired men with guns to force customers to buy its product at whatever price it chose. And periodically bombed the employees and customers of corporations in other countries.

Would we predict that this corporation, more than any other, could be trusted to serve our interests and to protect us both from criminals and from all the other corporations?

If someone proposed to establish a corporation like this, would your doubts disappear if you learned that every adult would be issued one share of stock in this corporation, entitling them to vote for members of the board of directors?

Is the governmental system really very different from this scenario?

Should we trust the institution of national government to selflessly serve and protect the rest of society?

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