NYC Bureaucrats Think They Can Stop Humans from Adapting. What About Crypto Currency?


Human Adaptation at Its Best.

This makes me so excited to prove once again that governments really can't stop the people when something is important to them. The New York Transit Authority says only dogs that fit in bags can be transported on the NYC Subway. People are genius!

Throughout my life I have always been one of those people who fought the system. Whenever I was told I could not do something I asked for an explanation or I just found a way around the rule. This was troublesome for my Naval career. My peers tended to treat me as a troublemaker. Then once I joined the world of civilians I never fit in. All I could ever think of was a way to improve the systems or find a way to make it easier. My coworkers just thought I was not not willing to play by the rules.

You see there is a segment of the population that will always fight the system and find ways to either dispatch of it or make something better. Yes this group of people is small and we are considered renegades but I believe every human has a tiny little anarchist inside trying to get out. Every time you break a rule or do something out of the ordinary your little anarchist inside is trying to spread its wings and fly.

The World of Crypto Currency is a Perfect Example.

I use these pictures of dog owners fighting a stupid rule to show you that our world of Crypto Currency will always find a way around any rules set forth by government bodies. Do you really think that some politician can stop Bitcoin? The Crypto Anarchists are going to change the world and the old guard is not going to like it.

Why do you think the social media world is not talking about Steemit publicly? I send every one of my articles to Triberr which is a crowd-sharing website for bloggers. The biggest names in the business are on that site. Some of them even share my Steemit articles but not one of these so-called experts has joined Steemit. It really makes me laugh, they fight for pennies using their Google Adwords plugins and hope for a few dollars a month on Youtube. I have always been the red-headed step child within the community but I will continue to be a thorn in their side.

Just imagine for a second that we are still in the very early years of blockchain and Crypto Currency. When I see projects like GuldCoin launching and shaking up the Crypto Universe it reminds me that we have not seen anything yet. The best could still be around the corner.

Dog Owners Beating the System.








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