Anarchism is Deeply, Intimately Personal

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Being an anarchist is not just a catchy and trendy, temporary way of life; nor is it a passing fancy or a cool philosophy to use for the sake of winning arguments.

Anarchism is deeply, intimately personal.

I chose anarchism because I do not believe I should have to obey someone for the sake of obeying. I chose it because I know "government authority" is a useless and dangerous concept, which only gets innocent people caged, harmed or killed. I chose anarchism because I enjoy independence, because I loathe the idea of being ruled, and because I acknowledge that freedom from institutional and social violence leads to happiness and love. I chose it because I believe people are innately free, that they have the power and decency to live their own life and solve their own problems, without a perpetual father figure looming over and judging their decisions.

Anarchism, under this light, is more than a philosophy; it is the soul and fire of the authentic person.

Anarchism denotes a spirit and strength of character that other philosophies fail to discern, that other people fail to grasp or care about. Anarchism screams acceptance of humanity, and it declares all individuals as totally sovereign, only governable by the will and moral compass of their own passions.

To not accept anarchism, then, is to throw oneself down at the alter of slavery, and insert oneself into a kind of hell on earth.

order not chaos


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