Meet the free men

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For the 4th of July, Graeme and Alex go invited to the Freeman's place

This was the first 4th of July party for Alex. Well, it was not really a "let's celebrate the birth of the biggest empire in human history"-kind-of-party. More on the "we know government is evil, have better means than force to organising and will not have anything to do with statism"-side of things.

So there were no American flags being waved, no fireworks blasted off. Instead everybody got together in the living room over some snacks and started discussing this and that. The vibe was awesome, super positive and friendly. Understanding and educational. The people that have gathered in this sunny spot on earth are truly some of the brightest minds we know. First and foremost, because they don't make the Orwellian double-think mistake to regard government as the cure to all ills.

To understand you are alone in the world and have to do shit yourself or it won't get done, is liberating. It bashes the illusion of an imaginary saviour that will never come for you.

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In this post I already want to hype up the next year's Anarchapulco. Just this year in February, 4 months ago, Graeme and Alex first touch ground here. Now they have been living in Acapulco for over a month. The community has been super welcoming. You can be part of this, too.

You can be the change you want to see in the world.

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(Alex does not look very happy. It's because he is thinking about government ;P)

And just as a bonus, you also get free, breath-taking sundowns.

See you at

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