Oh Canada, where pot is legal but milk is not..Michael Schmidt story

For many years local thugs, aka authorities, harassed Michael Schmidt, a farmer whose crime was to fill a void in government/big farmers/pharma run dairy industry. Raw milk is illegal in Ontario, it cannot be sold or even given away but cow owners are allowed to consume the milk from their own cows. Being a law abiding but free-market thinker, Michael Schmidt created a cow co-op where people could buy shares in a cow and that way get access to raw milk.

Since the authorities couldn't legally prosecute Michael they resorted to harassment, dragging him through courts , confiscating equipment and property, illegal surveillance and other means in their power all at taxpayers expense of course. It is a long and sad story of the struggle of a farmer and a hero, against the state. Unfortunately, recently the government finally won and Michael's fight ended with a prison sentence.

By the way, you cannot legally buy milk without additives in Ontario, in fact the entire Canada. Even organic milk contains synthetic vitamin D, which is chemically extracted from sheep's wool. I don't know which pharma makes that 'beneficial' additive but I'm sure it is linked to the government.

** Canada, the land of the free? Don't think so!**

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