Memoirs and Scars of World War II Etched in A Thousand Year Old Church

Yesterday, I was feeling down and so I my hub took me out to the greens. He knows that the easiest way to cheer me up is to be able to take a stroll among greens. We drove to Oosterbeek and bumped into this old church when we followed a trail from the city.

The first time we were lost on this side of the earth was a few years ago and at that time this church was closed we only knew that it was 1000 years old from this sign on the wall beside its door.

I asked hub to drive up to there because I wanted to pay a visit to this tree which we saw back then. I was wondering if he's still standing tall and glad to have seen him alive. A tree hugger - I get comfort in doing that sometimes.

Yesterday we saw that the door was open and a guy welcomed us in and told us a bit about the church.
Have you seen the Band of Brothers? Do you remember the scene where in paratroopers started dropping from the air during D Day? This church has stood witness to something like that during the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944. Apparently, the British 1st Airborne Division - paratroopers, para-gliders - Airborne Division used this church as their hide out before the British Airborne Division had to pull the whole troops back and cross the Rijn River on the night of September 25 to 26, 1944. It was heavily damaged during that time.

The church was restored but not as that of the original. It used to be until where those concrete leftovers of what seem to be polished ruins - sticking out beside the church are.

Almost everything inside the church were donated in memory of the British Airborne Division.

Even that stuff they use for Christening for babies actually have the same emblem as this.

The guy on the door told us that there's a short film in the room on the side for us to see to understand what the church had been through. This scene from the 1946 film "Theirs is the Glory Men of Arnhem was shown in that short film.

... unaware of how grim that awaits the many of them on those two days.

As you can see the lamp on that scene is of the same design of what's hanging on its ceiling now.

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