Video of Our Feed The Need Campaign Where We Fed 300 Meals To Homeless People Downtown At Risk Of Arrest Or Fine

The Garden of Eden vortex overflows with abundance, and it is our duty and privilege to share with our fellow brothers and sisters

On 9/11/16, the GOE donated our resources to feed the homeless in downtown Fort Worth. Twelve of our Eden Knights donated hundreds of dollars worth of food  and 42.5 man hours to harvest, prepare, deliver, serve, and clean up 300 meals. We shared hot food as well as prepackaged snacks and reusable water bottles. Our efforts were well received, and for an afternoon we shared loving presence with often overlooked members of society. 

Not included in our prep and execution calculations of our single day's operation was the fundraising that made it possible. We offer healthy, sustainable goods and services as gifts to the donors who support our mission of feeding, clothing, housing, and educating more people than ever before. Investing in one's own health and wellness can be a mutually beneficial exchange that helps us build a better planet for ALL! 

This is a video from the event:

Our outreach was also an act of civil disobedience. In these parts, there are prohibitions against feeding a group people without first obtaining licenses and procuring equipment--costly steps that deter expressing the natural compassion that unites man to man. We do not comply with systems we find dishonorable, instead we take action in accordance with our ideals so as to be an example of a better world rather than comply or complain. 

The political system has obviously been broken for decades. The only real way to vote is with your dollars. For the cost of a single fighter jet funded with taxpayer money, the government could feed, clothe, house, and educate homeless people for a year. Every time you buy something from corporations, you are supporting the global military industrial complex. Choose wisely where you spend or invest your money.

Our small group of dedicated individuals IS the change we want to see in the world!

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