[Nervous about the upcoming financial crisis?] Why You Should Consider Purchasing Gold.

Why invest in gold bullion?

There are numerous reasons why you should purchase gold. You can secure your savings, combat the effects of inflation and dangerous monetary policy, and protect yourself against coming banking collapse. Ride the current gold bull market all the way to the top, before it is too late. There are various reasons to put money into gold. One of the most notable reasons is gold bullion is a hedge against inflation. The primary factor behind the rising inflation rates is the large amounts of currency created out of thin air. Gold bullion is a means to protect yourself from inflation's devastating effects. Each time more money is added to the economy, the buying power of all of the money in circulation decreases. This occurs because there is more currency with the same amount of goods and services.


Inflation hurts everyone

Inflation seems to hit supermarkets more than other areas of the economy. This makes food and necessities less affordable as each year passes. Unfortunately, lower income people are affected the most. According to official sources, inflation is around the 4.2% mark annually. The truth is that inflation is greater than this amount. Since the average person is spending more of their money on things which are inflating in cost, like food, fuel, housing and education, the true inflation rate is around the 10-20% mark. When you invest in gold bullion, it is implied that the money you've put in that gold is protected from inflation.


Gold is rare

Since gold is in limited supply, its value can't be inflated by increasing its supply. When the amount of fiat currency like the US dollar or British pound increases, the value of gold goes up as well. Throughout history, Gold has always maintained value. Having gold investments, particularly physical gold coins, protects you from inflation and allows you to keep your buying power. For me, that's reason enough to invest in gold bullion.

Rising price.

Gold is set to increase with a growing interest from nations like China, India, and Russia. After the subprime mortgage crisis and a lack of confidence in paper money, gold seems like a safe bet. As of today, gold is hovering around $1300 US dollars an ounce. The current gold bull market is young, and a lot of trusted analysts are predicting that $2000+ per ounce isn't unlikely. Some have even said that $5000 per ounce could be possible.


Throughout history, fiat currencies have collapsed and as a result, the price of gold reaches astronomical highs. One example occurred in Germany when the German marks collapsed and went into hyperinflation. Over a five-year period, the price of gold in German Marks went from 1 German Mark to 1,000,000,000,000 German Marks.



I am not a professional investor and you should not risk any money you can not afford to lose. Gold shouldn't be seen as an investment that is going to make you rich. It should be seen as an investment that is a protection of your wealth.

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