Anarchist Thoughts On A Japanese Weather Forecast.

The following image reminded me of an epiphanic moment I had had in Nagano a few months back.


This image is powerful. I was once watching the weather forecast on TV here in Japan, and the whole thing is so bright, colorful, and green. It is like a cartoon map of the world, without borders. I thought, "Damn, almost all of my anxious fears would be gone if the state didn't exist."

I could feel the true potential of the bright world of freedom in that moment. I saw that the prison is the mind, thinking the present "system" is necessary.

There is nothing to really fear from natural disasters. Tragedies will always be with us. At least nature doesn't create them consciously, intentionally, and in an evil fashion.

I can see a world where if I want to smoke a joint now and then I won't be threatened with a cage. Where a man who wants to sell hot dogs at a football game can do so without his money being taken. Where people may be armed, and have to face the consequences for how they handle the forces at their command. Where women are not raped by "peace officers" in parking lots who face no consequence for this violation of a woman's body.

If you've read Atlas Shrugged, I'm reminded of the description of the kids raised in Galt's Gulch. They have no real programming, and are fully alive.

I am not from this gang-world. I come from the land of..."nothing will ever be 'perfect,' but it could be infinitely....MILES AND MILES AND LIGHT YEARS AND MILLENIA....better and beyond this.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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