Delta Paid for Its Own Security Upgrade and Fixed Everything

What frustrates me is the false dichotomy people have in their minds. If someone says, "Abolish the TSA!" someone else replies with, "You literally want terrorists blowing up planes? What's WRONG with you? Think of the children!"

People want services. For 90%+ (probably more?) of our daily lives, we turn to private organizations for those services via mutually beneficial voluntary exchange of value. Even "muh roads" are not provided by government, but by private contractors who get paid with your money. Removing government from an equation doesn't mean the service won't be available anymore. In most cases, it will be better, faster, cheaper, more efficient, etc.

I think most people recognize that taxation is, by definition, extortion which is a form of theft. You can personally pay taxes voluntarily all you want, but if someone else is forced to do it, that's theft. We know this. We know we're being stolen from (also via inflation because of fiat currency, but that's another matter). One way we deal with this violation is understood through Stockholm Syndrome. We defend those who aggress against us so we don't have to deal with our own victimization. That's not very healthy, and it won't get you through airports any quicker.

Give this great FEE post by Jeffrey Tucker a read:

Delta Paid for Its Own Security Upgrade and Fixed Everything.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.

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