

I'm happy to admit I didn't even know what #MAGA meant until I looked it up just now.

The slogan is interesting. When was America "great"? How did it get that way? Was it after the Bretton Woods agreement where we became the world reserve currency, taking gold from nations everywhere and storing it in Fort Knox with the promise they could get it back (the exact gold they put in) and that our new world reserve currency would be backed by said gold, creating a "stable" currency the world could rely on? Was it in 1971 when the Nixon Shock essentially gave the middle finger to that whole agreement allowing the federal reserve and treasury to essentially create money out of thin air backed only by our productivity and military strength? I wonder if it has something to do with the nations we've invaded who attempted to build their own gold-backed currencies which threaten the petrol dollar?

I guess most people don't think about this stuff, though. They want personal prosperity, screw everyone else. If global free trade and open borders increase human wellbeing and a natural equilibrium of market-driven equality... well, why have that when we can just use force to keep more for ourselves?

The use of monopoly violence that is government will hopefully be seen as a primitive, archaic response to conflict within my lifetime. Good ideas don't require force and there are more effective ways to deal with conflict such as non-violent communication.

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