Where Were our Jet Fighters on 9/11?

Approximately 100 times per year, fighter jets routinely scramble to investigate situations in US airspace. Yet, nearly 2 hours passed on September 11, 2001 without a single interception. Why?

America's military might is unparalleled. As the world's only remaining "super-power" on Earth, we always gain "air-superiority" in a fight.

  • Air supremacy is the highest level, where one side holds complete control of the skies.
  • Air superiority is the second level, where one side controls partial dominance of the skies.

Where were the interceptors on 9/11?

Something went terribly wrong on 9/11/2001. On that day, we did not gain air-superiority. Our jet fighters were ordered to stand down. Why weren't they ordered to protect New York city? Our largest city should be heavily guarded right? Well yeah... but not on 9/11.

F16: Top Speed Mach 2 (1,500mph) -- Qty: 957

F15: Top Speed Mach 2.5 (1,650mph) -- Qty: 449

On that fateful day, F-15s were scrambled from Otis Air Force Base and sent to military-controlled airspace off Long Island, NY and ordered to remain in a holding pattern.

  • Why were our fighter jets ordered to stay in a holding pattern off the coast of Long Island, NY?
  • Why was no one in the military fired for this catastrophic mistake? Isn't this a dereliction of duty?

The skies over New York should have looked like a scene from the movie Independence day with squadrons of fighters buzzing around. Unfortunately, the skies over New York city were empty for 2 horrific hours. Why? This should have been the one moment in history where America scrambled every fighter they had. "RED ALERT... Scramble all fighters... this is not a drill... Repeat... Launch all fighters... Launch all fighters!!"

In the nearly 40 minutes between the second WTC tower being struck and the Pentagon being hit, not one USAF fighter plane circled Washington DC. NOT ONE. Andrews Air Force base is about 10-12 air miles from the US capitol by air, less than 90 seconds by fighter jet.

Special Note: They did manage to shut the heavy nuclear blast doors at NORAD for the first time ever. Way to go guys! Good job. You get a Gold star.

America's Air Power on 9/11/2001

Qty Description
957 F-16 Fighting Falcons
449 F-15 Strike Eagles
792 AH-64 Apache Helicopters
291 A-10 Thunderbolts "Warthog"

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