$2.00 Spaghetti Dinner for Six - The AMERICAN Way - Recipe and Rhetoric - @papa-peppers 1000th post

The following is an example of why I have pretty much "opted out" of the American rat race. However, the recipe still works, as long as you follow the directions.



Go to your nearest dollar store or super-center and purchase $1.00 worth of Ramen Noodles & $1.00 worth of Ketchup.


Boil water in a pot and add Noodles, stirring occasionally for 3 minutes.

Strain Noodles and place in bowl.

Add "Spaghetti Sauce" (Ketchup) and mix thoroughly.

Garnish and serve. You might want to add Oregano Flakes or no one will believe it's Spaghetti, but that might cost you another dollar, which could create more problems than it will solve. Let's call Oregano Flakes "optional" just to be safe.


Cheap lives eating cheap "foods" with money earned from cheap wages has become incredibly too mainstream for me to desire to be another spoke in the wheel. Especially when the wheel is just one of many, on a massive vehicle driving in the wrong direction, at least as far as I'm concerned. There was a time when only Lab Rats at laboratory food and when the only Guinea Pigs were, well, Guinea Pigs. I'd rather not just be part of some twisted social experiment.

Honestly, I could just as easily buy all that I ever wanted on credit and look just as good, if not better, than the Jones' next door. I could have easily settled for a 1/4 acre lot in the middle of the suburbs with a white picket fence so that my wife and I could have our dog, cat, and 2.3 kids and live happily ever after in offices on opposite sides of town desperately trying to pay off the interest.

Personally, I am no longer interested. So much as I am able, I desire not to fuel such a machine. Rather, I'd like to be able to follow my plan for my life, and not theirs. Personally, I may care more about my life than they do anyway, so I think I'll grab the wheel on this one folks.

Could I feed my family what they are offering me? Of course I could, but food is some of the fuel that runs this machine. I wouldn't put diesel in a gasoline engine, so I'm choosing not to put the lab rat food in my body. The soil still works just fine over here (at least for now), so we'll have a little food revolution in our yard from here on out and get back to the roots, literally.

I am still equipped with teeth and a digestive system, so I think that my body can handle processing its own food. There's no need for me to set up a factory just to accomplish the processing of my food. Do we have the freedom to buy whatever they offer us off of the cheapest shelf we can find? Absolutely, I'm just hoping that we have the freedom not too.

If the recipe that I shared earlier is your mother's favorite, my apologies, I meant no offense. I only desire to encourage us to ponder the thoughts that pertain to exactly what is going on around us, and what we can do about it. Too often, I get the feeling that I may be poisoning myself and my family, and personally, I'd rather not be paying for it.

If there is one thing I've learned from THE EDIBLE OUTDOORS, it's that if you can swallow it without dying or becoming ill, it'll pass as edible. Should I have to apply the same evaluation process at the supermarket?

I'm sure many of you may have a clue what I'm ranting about, and I certainly do not desire to bore you. I'm just hoping that you'll ponder, and consider, while you still can. If you want some free seeds to plant your own garden let me know (actions speak louder than words), and thanks for reading my 1000th post.

Also, I ate the "Spaghetti"... this time... - @papa-pepper


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