Is censorship a delusional attempt at gaining control? (Controversial)

                                                                       YOUTUBE AND CENSORSHIP 

I feel that censorship is an attack on freedom of speech, and it's getting out of hand now. Especially on Youtube, as video sponsors have pulled ads from videos, because anti-semitic content appeared on videos they ran ads on. Youtube is loosing money from this, and as a result, they're paying less to content creators, while completely fucking up the supposed "anti-semitic" channels like Pewdiepie. If you believe that Pewdiepie is anti-semitic, you are just another sheep that reads The Wall Street Journal.(Probably). Pewdiepie makes it clear that he doesn't hate anyone, and that he doesn't follow the mainstream narrative, they're inflicting on their readers. Pewdiepie is not anti-semitic, It's a fact that Jews own and run youtube, the platform that runs and pays Pewdiepie for his content, that was supposedly racist. I also believe that a small group of people , happen to run the each industry, and they keep appearing to be Jewish... So I would say something is going on, and people are to sensitive to an attack on the Jews, but this is whats holding people back from the truth. How come comedians, South Park, Family Guy and Jewish youtubers are allowed to speak outside of the agenda, and slate jews as people will think they're only joking, but if someone serious tries talking out, they're immediately silenced. Something very wrong in the world is going on, so please don't be offended if someone is talking crazy, ask them to expand on their ideas! Here is a couple of videos on youtube and censorship. 

(If your youtube video speaks out against the jews, and their zionist ways, then be ready for it to be muted like this video I have linked!)

If you try to attack me and say I'm anti-semitic, I will flip my shit, as I'm one of the most accepting people I know. Also a couple of my mates are probably Jews, idk & idc. 😊

This video here, is proof of the brainwashed, bored old men and women, who have specifically been targeted through the groups they follow, places they live and the things they're into. This is insanity, mass groups of the stupid elder generation who just want to be a part of something, and have no ideas of the damage caused through reporting these vigilant people. In fact it's disgusting! 

Now that you've watch the video, be sure to comment your thoughts and opinions down below. And if you enjoyed this post, don't forget to follow me, @sixteen4narchist - Thank you (:

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