Clenched Fists Mean Anger - Part 1

Has anyone ever shaken their fist at you? Have you ever shaken your fist at someone else?
We all know what that means.

Someone is angry! It does not matter what language you speak or what culture you are from, a clenched fist almost always signifies anger.


Body Language

Body language is a large part of how we communicate with other people. When people clench their fists in anger, they may also

  • have a defensive posture
  • wave one or more of their arms in the air
  • express anger through their facial expression
  • increase the intensity and volume of their voice.

Offline it is very easy to visually recognize when someone is angry.

But what about online?

What internet behaviors are the equivalent of the clenched fist?

  • typing in all caps (the equivalent of digital shouting)
  • aggressive verbal attacks
  • demeaning comments

We may not have the benefit of seeing someone body language while interacting with others online, but sometimes we can feel someone body language pouring out from their posts and/or comments.

Our Response

There are several normal human responses to a "clenched fist", both offline and in the digital world.


Many people choose to run away. Sometimes this response is out of fear. Others times this response is a form of self-preservation. Only you know your circumstances, so you need to be ready to run if the situation requires.


This typically is an aggressive physical, emotional, or verbal response to your attacks. Fighting often involves repaying someone for the acts that he or she has directed towards you. Fighting takes a toll on everyone involved. While fighting should be the last result, it can not always be avoided.


Standing is not backing down from the attacks. It takes a lot of courage to stand. You will usually take a few bumps and bruises, but the goal is to show your attackers that you cannot be intimidated. This is a long-term strategy.

Final Thoughts

Let's continue the conversation in the comments.

  1. How do you handle situations when other people are angry?
  2. How do you prevent yourself from allowing anger to control your life?
  3. Do you tend to flight, fight, or stand?

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