Sweet red guava - Avoid from animals like weasels

This tree is a tree that is almost extinct, because the tree has been reduced but in places like mountains. This is because there are people who damage the environment by way of logging carelessly, even they do not recognize the name of the tree that needs to be considered or guarded.
Pohon ini merupakan pohon yang hampir punah, karena pohon tersebut sudah berkurang melainkan pada tempat-tempat seperti pengunungan. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya orang yang merusak lingkungan dengan cara penebangan sembarangan, bahkan mereka tidak mengenal nama pohon yang perlu diperhatikan atau dijaga.

Well, now I will tell a little about the fruit of the tree. This tree I got on my friend's garden which is in Aceh-Indonesia precisely in Lhokseumawe. The name of this fruit is a cashew fruit or ordinary we call the "Jambee jamaikai", the fruit has a sweet taste and has a lot of starch in the fruit.


I happen to come there, my friend is picking the fruit, so I can try the sweet taste of the cashew. As in the picture the fruits are neatly arranged and there are guards from the "black knight", for my security is not lost. Hahaha 😂😁


In this picture there is something in the guava tree, it is a safety net for guava, to survive wild animals. Nets are very necessary to protect this guava fruit, because if there is no protector, then the guava will not arrive at a mature age, or ready to be harvested.


Who are these wild animals?

He is the "weasel" or commonly we call the "civet", this animal that destroys or steals the guava fruit.


How the working system of the weasel?

Weasel is very synonymous with the night, because he can not see in the daytime. This weasel works at night, because in the darkness his eyes will work normally, at the same time he was looking for food.

Well, talking to this weasel behavior, I am reminded of this life, some people also make a parable about the weasel life. They likened people who often stay up or never sleep at night one of the customs done by weasels. Even I've heard people say "Bek pegoet musang tiep malam" or if it means "do not behave like a weasel every night", that I often hear because I also include people who like staying up.

Musang sangat identik dengan malam, karena dia tidak bisa melihat di siang hari. Musang ini bekerja di malam hari, karena di kegelapan matanya akan bekerja normal, pada saat bersamaan ia sedang mencari makanan.

Nah, berbicara dengan perilaku musang ini, saya teringat akan kehidupan ini, beberapa orang juga membuat perumpamaan tentang kehidupan musang. Mereka menyamakan orang yang sering begadang atau tidak pernah tidur di malam hari salah satu kebiasaan yang dilakukan oleh musang. Bahkan saya pernah mendengar orang mengatakan " Bek pegoet musang tiep malam" atau jika itu berarti "jangan bertingkah seperti musang setiap malam", yang sering saya dengar karena saya juga termasuk orang yang suka begadang.



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