This guy saves a small animal - although he doesn't know what it is!

First of all, excuse me if my english is not correct, im from Russia so don't be a 'grammar nazi' please :).

The human impact on the nature ends deadly sometimes. The mother of the baby can violate if it was in contact with people only 1 time. That's why you should better ignore sweet creatures. 

But there are  situations where you know that the little critter otherwise has  no chance of surviving and you have to intervene. Jeff Longo came into this predicament, as he was one day on a walk.

Jeff knew that he can not leave the little creature.

The newborn was all alone at the roadside. It was a hot day in Florida and the small animals appeared to have been separated from the family.

Jeff asked online for help because he had no idea what to do.

Most people advised him to forget the animal because he had no experience.

Jeff was told that the little animal is going to die anyway when he posted these photos.

But he did not listen to them, and searched instead for ways to make his little friend strong again.

He brought it up big with the bottle and puppy food.

To be sure the small creature actually eats something, he took it ery day to work.

Jeff called her Lady Biscuit. The little creature was apparently a flying squirrel.

Lady Biscuit quickly became part of the family. The dogs love them. But Jeff fits well that nothing will happen and it is crushed accidentally or something else.

She has a huge cage and can move freely in the house when Jeff has an eye on her.

It comes well with people, understand the dogs  and she LOVE nuts.

Jeff says that she would no longer survive in the wild.

But that does not seem to disturb Lady Biscuit. She likes her life.

Flying squirrels are nocturnal and making bird-like noises.

They live in trees, but now Jeff is her personal tree. :)

"She runs around me like I was a huge tree, then she jumps on my back and  chirps (Is it written like that? The bird noise ..)

But there are dangers too. Once she was stuck in the bathtub.

She jumps around in the whole house.

Jeff is currently planning  to increase their cages size so that they can slide in his house.

"I love this little fleecy thing" - he says


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