#AnimalPhotography: The Herald Snake, a near harmless South African beauty

PEOPLE all around the world have a dreaded, deep fear of snakes.

I've heard it so often in South Africa: 'The only safe snake, is a dead snake'.

People need to take a step or two, perhaps three, backward and actually take the time to learn more about the different species of snakes and which are actually dangerous.

Regardless, here is a nice close-up photo of a Herald Snake I took a while back.


Now, I'm not saying go and pick one up if you see it - let alone identify it correctly - sheesh, rather just leave the poor slithery fella alone.

A Herald snake, although it can't kill, can still give you a lovely headache if it bites you.

Enjoy the photo - also, check out @mambaman's blog - he took a wonderful photo of another Herald Snake


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