不愛寵物的我發寵物帖子 A pet post from someone who doesn't like pets


As part of my daily life now, I like to visit at least one new cafe every week, and spend a relaxing afternoon there. One time I went to one that turned out to be very popular with pet lovers, but these weren't your normal cats and dogs pets. The day I went, there were three customers who bought along their tortoise, five in total!



Not being an animal lover at all, I have never actually seen a tortoise up close and personal before. The five of them roamed freely in the cafe, maneuvering around the furniture and human legs. In fact, they move a lot faster than I expected. I took a video of them which I posted on FB, but FB won't allow me to download the video (Hey FB!!! It's mine 😤), and I can't retrieve it from my old phone, so sadly I can't share it with you.

我又發現原來烏龜牙齒很鋒利,但主人說牠們是不會咬人。我見牠們把地上菜頭,"chup chup chup" 聲很快已吃完。

The other thing I learnt about tortoises is that they have sharp teeth, but according to the owners, don't bite people. The sound of them biting into the veggies was quite sharp, "chup chup chup" and the veggie was gobbled up in no time.


烏龜主人說我可以抱抱烏龜,但膽小又不喜歡動物的我當然沒這樣做。咖啡店老闆娘又說,有時其他的客人會帶寵物蛇來 🐍😱😣,不用說,我沒有再去喝咖啡!!!

The owner said I could pick up the tortoise and hold them, but of course the chicken in me didn't dare to do that. The cafe owner also said sometimes her customers come in with their pets snakes 🐍😱😣, needless to say, I haven't been back since!!!

這帖子是參加 @kona舉辦的每天寵物攝影挑戰。如果你跟他一樣很喜歡寵物,又或者像我不喜歡寵物但又看到很特別的,你也來分享吧!

This post is an entry to the Daily Pet Photography challenge orgainsed by @kona who unlike me is a great pet lover. If you're a pet lover like him, or even not one like me but have come across some interesting pets, do share them to his challenge.

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